Acciones e Investigaciones Sociales <p><em>Acciones e Investigaciones Sociales</em> is the scientific journal of the Faculty of Social and Labour Sciences of the University of Zaragoza (Spain). The journal is multidisciplinary in nature, and includes articles related to the different scientific disciplines taught at the Centre: Labour Relations, Labour Market, Labour Law, Business Accounting, Social Work, Social Services, Social Policy, Social Economy, Welfare State, etc.</p> <p>Its current focus is on the dissemination of original and innovative research in the social field at national and international level. Papers from social sciences such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, social work, social education, legal sciences, law, economics and business, provided they are related to social work, social intervention, and the labor field.</p> <p>Since 2013, the journal has been continuously published on an annual basis.</p> <p>The journal has not revenue sources and does not use advertising nor direct marketing activities.</p> <p>ISSN-e 2340-4507<br />ISSN 1132-192X<br />DOI 10.26754/ojs_ais/23404507</p> es-ES <p>Authors publishing in this journal agree to the following terms:</p> <ol> <li>Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right to be the first publication of the work as well as licensed under a <a title="CC" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0</a> license that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li> <li>Authors may separately establish additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in the journal (e.g., placing it in an institutional repository or publishing it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</li> <li>Authors are allowed and encouraged to disseminate their papers electronically (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their own website) before and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and higher citation of published papers (see <a href="">The Effect of Open Access</a>).</li> </ol> (Editorial manager AIS ) (Angela Asensio) Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Prologue: Legal regime of working time: a doctrinal study in tribute to Professor Juan García Blasco, through his personal and scientific profile <p>Introductory chapter to the figure of someone who has been a teacher of the legal regime of working time at the University of Zaragoza, for many years: Professor García Blasco as Professor of Labor Law at the University of Zaragoza.</p> José Alberto Nicolás Bernad Copyright (c) 2023 José Alberto Nicolás Bernad Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Telework in the Public Function: Law and collective bargaining <p>In this work, the legal regime of teleworking in the field of the Spanish public service is analyzed, which requires a study both in the General Administration of the State and in the Administrations of the Autonomous Communities. To this end, it is based on RDLey 29/2020, of September 29, on urgent measures regarding teleworking in Public Administrations and human resources in the National Health System, to face the health crisis caused by COVID. -19 and we arrive at RDLay 29/2020, by virtue of which art. 1 art. 47 bis Royal Legislative Decree 5/2015, of October 30, which approves the consolidated text of the Law of the Basic Statute of Public Employees (onwards, EBEP), as a basic regulatory framework on teleworking for all Public Administrations - which must adapt their own regulations- together with the regional regulations in this regard.</p> <p>Furthermore, this work stops at analyzing the role of collective bargaining in the regulation of teleworking within Public Administrations.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Raquel Yolanda Quintanilla Navarro Copyright (c) 2023 Raquel Yolanda Quintanilla Navarro Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The legal system for working time: analysis of the legal framework and the role of collective bargaining <p>Working time, as a legal institution, takes a central position in Employment and Labor Law. This has been so since its origins and throughout its development, but now it presents new perspectives and challenges in its regulation, being the legal frame of reference insufficient in its contents, which demands the unavoidable intervention of collective bargaining to complete it.</p> <p>This paper analyzes the legal framework of working time and allow to discover all those potentialities of collective bargaining as a regulatory source of this working condition, in all its aspects.</p> <p>In particular, important aspects are studied such as: working day, work breaks, working hours, overtime, work permits, work vacations, digital switch-off. It also offers an analysis of working time from the perspective of the reconciliation of personal and family life with work, as well as from the perspective of feminism.</p> <p>Finally, we identify the new spaces open to negotiation between workers' representatives and the employer and proposals are presented.</p> Ana Aguas Blasco, Vicente Pedro Lafuente Pastor, María Pilar Callau Dalmau, Sara Rico Letosa, José Jesús De Val Arnal, María Carmen Aguilar Martín, Sara Alcázar Ortiz, Rafael Álvarez Gimeno, Sonia Isabel Pedrosa Alquézar, Ruth María Vallejo Dacosta, Susana Torrente Gari, Manuel González Labrada, María José Lopera Castillejo, Ángel Luis De Val Tena, Juan García Blasco Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Aguas Blasco, Vicente Pedro Lafuente Pastor, María Pilar Callau Dalmau, Sara Rico Letosa, José Jesús De Val Arnal, María Carmen Aguilar Martín, Sara Alcázar Ortiz, Rafael Álvarez Gimeno, Sonia Isabel Pedrosa Alquézar, Ruth María Vallejo Dacosta, Susana Torrente Gari, Manuel González Labrada, María José Lopera Castillejo, Ángel Luis De Val Tena, Juan García Blasco Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Collective bargaining and telework: new acting challenges <p>Collective bargaining plays a fundamental role in regulating and adapting key issues of teleworking, such as the prevention of occupational risks specifically adapted to this type of services; digital disconnection rights; the rights to work-family balance with a gender perspective or virtual harassment or cyberbullying. However, until now, it has focused mainly on regulating formal aspects or material content without taking into account in the majority of collective agreements the peculiarities that teleworking presents in these four questions, which may mean creating new inequalities or give rise to new occupational risks</p> Elisa Sierra Hernaiz Copyright (c) 2023 Elisa Sierra Hernaiz Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Leadership development from contemplative positive psychology in public adminitration, a review of the literature <p>This literature review considers the processe of change faced by societies and organisations and, coherently, by the civil service. There are many elements that will promote change in public administrations, but all of them will be inadequate without the human factor. For this reason, the review is based on the conclusions of the studies that have reinforced the relevant contributions of leadership to organisational change processes, to the results, to the health and well-being of the workforce, with leadership being an important line of study within positive psychology. Similary, there are numerous lines of research focused on understanding the psychological and neurobiological effects produced by contemplative practices such as mindfulness. Therefore, its of interest to review and relate these constructs and design interventions that confirm a positive relationship between contemplative practices and leadership development in the civil service.</p> Susana Iris Rueda Sánchez, María del Carmen Mombiela Guillén Copyright (c) 2023 Susana Iris Rueda Sánchez, María del Carmen Mombiela Guillén Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Perceived value análisis and disinformation applied to e-cigarettes <p>Tobacco, and its main component, nicotine, continues to be one of the main health problems worldwide. The use of electronic cigarettes (EC) is currently increasing. The objective was to analyze the perceived value and motivations for the consumption of nicotine through e-cigarettes and their convergence with the disinformation and marketing strategies of the tobacco industry. Methods. A qualitative methodology was used through a review focused on the perceived value of nicotine and its usual consumption technologies, and in-depth interviews with 15 university students. Results. Several components of the perceived value of the nicotine-consuming experience through EC versus conventional cigarettes are identified, in line with the industry’s disinformation and fake news dissemination strategy. These refer to EC as less harmful, clean, attractive and facilitating products for the cessation of tobacco use. Conclusions. It is evident how brands are taking advantage of the limited rationality of the consumer in their decision making through the marketing communication made, based on disinformation and fake news. Further research is needed into industry strategies to promote nicotine use in the population, especially among young people.</p> Víctor Villanueva Blasco, Merve Akardas, Manuel Isorna Folgar, Juan Miguel Rey-Pino Copyright (c) 2023 Víctor José Villanueva-Blasco, Merve Akardas, Manuel Isorna Folgar, Juan Miguel Rey-Pino Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Sociodemographic factors, mental health and social media: a comparative study on suicidal behavior <p>Introduction: Suicide is a growing public health problem. The aim of this study is to analyze suicidal ideation, planning and/or behavior in relation to sociodemographic factors, mental health status and use of social media, comparing a group of people with suicidal behavior and those without suicidal behavior, matched by sex and age. </p> <p>Methodology: A comparative longitudinal descriptive study was carried out. The outcome variable was suicidal behavior. Sociodemographic, mental health and social network use variables were also collected. Chi-square and Student's T statistics were used and multivariate logistic regression was performed.</p> <p>Results: 102 subjects participated, 51 of them with suicidal ideation or attempt, and 51 of them without suicidal ideation. Significant differences were found between these groups in terms of sociodemographic variables and history of psychiatric diagnoses. According to the multivariate analysis, the factors associated with self-injurious behavior are not being working (studying, unemployed, retired, or with temporary or permanent disability) (B: 1.193, Odds ratio: 3.298), having a depressive episode in the previous year (B: -2.350, Odds ratio: 0.095), and an anxiety disorder (B: -1.659, Odds ratio: 0.190). The model has a Cox and Snell R-squared of 0.418.</p> <p>Conclusions: These results confirm the existence of a profile of people who may exhibit suicidal behavior. The different pattern of use of social media can be useful for instantaneous ecological risk assessment.</p> Claudia García-Martínez, Séfora Ene Gimeno, Samara Sáez Martínez Copyright (c) 2023 Claudia García-Martínez, Séfora Ene Gimeno, Samara Sáez Martínez Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Relationship between the inductive or deductive approach to case-based learning on academic performance, self-efficacy, and satisfaction of social work students <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: Case-Based Learning (CBL) teaching methodology is an active learning methodology that generates a higher level of student participation and significant learning. The aim of this study was to analyse and compare a CBL activity using deductive reasoning (analyse and extract theoretical concepts in a case provided for this purpose) and a CBL activity using inductive reasoning (create a case by implicitly introducing theoretical concepts) in terms of academic performance and student satisfaction, as well as to analyse the relationship of the latter with the perception of self-efficacy.</p> <p><strong><em>Methodology:</em></strong> A descriptive cross-sectional study was developed. 111 students performed both CBL activities (deductive and inductive). Each learning activity dealt with theoretical contents of group psychology. The variables collected were: activity grade, satisfaction with each activity, theoretical exam grade and perception of self-efficacy. A descriptive, correlational, and comparative analysis was conducted using T-Student of related samples.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>The grades for the inductive CBL activity were significantly higher than those for the deductive CBL activity (p=0.042). The students´ level of satisfaction in the item “helps to think critically” was evaluated more favourably for the deductive CBL activity (p=0.029). The relationship between the grade of the inductive CBL activity and that obtained in the theoretical exam was significant. There was no correlation between any of the activities and the perceived self-efficacy of the students.</p> <p><strong><em>Conclusions:</em></strong> The CBL activity with inductive reasoning is more effective to achieve academic performance and the satisfaction with the activities evaluated by the students is high.</p> Fátima Méndez-López, Loreto Camarero-Grados, Anna Moleras-Serra, Rachel Heah, Ana Porroche-Escudero, Rafael Sánchez-Arizcuren Copyright (c) 2023 Fátima Méndez-López, Loreto Camarero-Grados, Anna Moleras-Serra, Rachel Heah, Ana Porroche-Escudero, Rafael Sánchez-Arizcuren Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Consumption of health and social resources by people with persistent COVID and its relationship with persistent symptomatology: A descriptive and correlational study. <p>Introduction: Approximately 10% of patients who have been infected with SARS-COV-2 have persistent symptoms that have reduced their quality of life. This is especially relevant in people who were infected during the first wave. The aim of this study is to analyze the consumption of health and social resources by people with persistent COVID and its relationship with the persistent symptomatology they present.</p> <p>Methodology: Cross-sectional descriptive and correlational study in which data are collected from patients with persistent COVID collecting sociodemographic, clinical variables (number of persistent symptoms), and consumption of health and social resources. A descriptive and correlational study was performed.</p> <p>Results: The participants in this study show a high affectation reflected in the large number of residual symptoms they present (mean 16.47 symptoms).&nbsp; Therefore, there is a considerable increase in the use of public and private health, social and legal resources. Primary care services are the most frequently used by these patients.</p> <p>Conclusion: Timely planning of patient-centered resources and services for post-COVID-19 care is needed.</p> Sergio Lafita Mainz, Diego Oliván, Maria del Mar Martínez-Pecharroman, Raquel Refusta Ainaga, Isabel Blasco González Copyright (c) 2023 Sergio Lafita Mainz, Diego Oliván, Maria del Mar Martínez-Pecharroman, Raquel Refusta Ainaga, Isabel Blasco González Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Profile of people with suicidal behavior and pre-existing mental health illnesses before the COVID-19 pandemic and during the first 6 months of pandemic: Comparative study by time periods and by gender. <p>Introduction:</p> <p>The aim of this study is to analyze and compare the profile of people with suicidal behavior 6 months before the pandemic and during the first 6 months after its onset, in a cohort of patients with previous high prevalence mental health illnesses, using Primary Health Care (PHC) records.</p> <p>Methodology: A retrospective, longitudinal and comparative study. We collected data on sociodemographic, pre-existing mental health illnesses or new diagnoses, COVID-19 infection, use of health resources during the study period where the suicide attempt or suicide occurred. A bivariate analysis was performed comparing by gender and by the time period during which the suicidal behavior occurred, as well as a multivariate logistic regression analysis.</p> <p>Results: In Aragón (Spain), 173 persons were reported with suicidal behavior during the 6 months prior to the onset of the pandemic, and 153 persons during the 6 months after, with no changes in the sociodemographic profile.The participant profile was that of a woman, with a preexisting episode of depression and/or anxiety. Lack of contact with the health system, especially with the health center social worker and the continuing care services increased the risk of suicide during the pandemic.</p> <p>Conclusions: Contact with the health care system in future pandemics is important for the prevention of suicidal behavior.</p> Liliana Mahulea, Marta Domínguez García, María Millán Taratil, María Ruiz Herrero, MªJesús Serrano Ripoll Copyright (c) 2023 Liliana Mahulea, Marta Domínguez García, María Millán Taratil, María Ruiz Herrero, MªJesús Serrano Ripoll Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Workplace violence in social education: a systematic review <p>here are highly complex work contexts, where the relationship between users and professionals can lead to violent behaviour towards the professional.&nbsp; The professional environments of social education are scenarios where workplace violence can become evident, given the diversity and complexity of contexts and problems addressed. The aim of this research is to analyse the phenomenon of type II workplace violence towards social education professionals in Spain. To this end, a qualitative systematic review of the scientific literature was carried out in the databases Web of Science, Scopus, ÍnDICE CSIC, APA PycNet and Dialnet plus. The results show violent action towards social education professionals on the part of the users who intervene; although the scarcity of studies does not allow us to establish conclusive results on the object of study. In conclusion, although workplace violence is present among social education professionals, the study shows the need to study the phenomenon in greater depth in order to determine its impact and design prevention strategies.</p> Cristina Vidal-Martí, Julio Rodríguez-Rodríguez Copyright (c) 2023 Cristina Vidal-Martí, Julio Rodríguez-Rodríguez Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Knowledge and training of social workers in the health field of the province of Granada in the face of euthanasia <p style="text-align: justify; line-height: 200%; background: white;">Introduction: Euthanasia is a legislative measure recently implemented in the health systems of the Spanish territory. Guarantor of a calm end of life, it avoids the physical and emotional suffering of the patient when the disease is irreversible. Its implementation requires sufficient knowledge and a favorable aptitude to facilitate its development. Health social workers are an appropriate profile to start the discourse on dignified death and report on the formal and informal aspects surrounding euthanasia. The objective of this research is to identify the knowledge and predisposition of primary care health social workers about euthanasia. Material and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive observational study aimed at all primary care social health workers in the province of Granada whose sample universe represents N=40. For data collection, the self-administered questionnaire was used. A descriptive and bivariate analysis was performed using Epi Info. Results: 39 individuals participated in the study. The knowledge that these participants have about the euthanasia law supposes an average of 3.84 (Sd. 1.98). Only 28.2% have read the documents that regulate the provision of aid to die in Andalusia. The ability to accompany in the management of grief represents an average of 7.02 (Sd. 2.45). Discussion: The knowledge of health social workers about euthanasia is scant. Few have read the regulatory documentation for euthanasia. This ignorance does not limit the perception they have about this benefit, presenting a favorable attitude towards it.</p> José Manuel Jiménez Rodríguez Copyright (c) 2022 José Manuel Jiménez Rodríguez Thu, 22 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Being a Social Worker in Social Services during the Covid-19 Pandemic <p>Covid-19 has led to a health, social and economic crisis, the like of which has never been seen before. The world has had to tackle a new reality that has shaken the most basic structures of our system. In Spain the Social Services have been declared essential services but, even so, the social workers interviewed in this study have not perceived that this has translated into greater support for the system or for their work. This article forms part of a national funded research project that has developed the only tool to monitor the impact of Covid-19 on the Social Services in Spain. Its sampling design has made it possible to carry out 164 telephone interviews at 52 public Social Services centres all over Spain.</p> <p>The aim of this article is to ascertain the effects of the pandemic on the daily practice of social work through the analysis of professional discourse, and also to discuss the impact of Covid-19 with special attention to issues such as the irruption of telematics, the emotional exhaustion of professional teams or the new forms of reorganisation of the Social Services. In other words, changes in the organisational dynamics of the centres, in the incorporation of telematics, in interpersonal relations between the work teams, etc. Changes that will all be decisive in predicting the course of social change in the Social Services in the coming years.</p> Virginia Paéz-Izquierdo, Mercedes Muriel-Saiz Copyright (c) 2022 Virginia Paéz-Izquierdo, Mercedes Muriel-Saiz Thu, 22 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Sustainable Development, Circular Economy and Popular Practices <p>The circular economy broadens and clarifies sustainable development by offering it a formal framework of concrete projects. This article shows that these notions of sustainable development and circular economy are based on the widely shared assumption of the existence of an economic sphere that obeys its own rules. It questions the consequences that such a belief has on the non-commercial economic practices contained in popular social frameworks based on inter-knowledge, resistance to market logic and community solidarity. The circular economy camouflages the ecological nature of these practices and sometimes even makes them disappear. Such a diminution in importance of ecology with respect to the economy obscures the social consequences of developing the circular economy while reinforcing control of the economy over its social components. The article defends the hypothesis that the circular economy, which is the seed of sustainable development, is a social project that is built without society’s intervention.</p> Denis Blot Copyright (c) 2022 Denis Blot Thu, 22 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Virtues and Duties in Concepción Arenal's Ethica Misericordis and its Approach to Social Work in the 21st Century <p>The ethical commitment of professionals in Spain’s Social Services is one of their basic characteristics. Nevertheless, there is still a difference between their words and actions. Faced with the inconsistency between intended morality and experienced morality, Concepción Arenal raises compassion as an argument to call for the cultivation of good character. She bases our moral obligation on respect for human dignity and compassion for the most vulnerable members of society, with ethical virtues and moral duties thereby constituting the cornerstone of her Ethica Misericordis. Hence, this study aims to offer a brief explanation of such work and approximate it to social work. In line with the afore-mentiooned proposal we have carried out a further anlysis of primary and secondary sources. First and foremost, we have reviewed books and articles by the author to learn first-hand about her original contributions. We have also examined certain references from international sources on both professional ethics and ethics in social work, enabling us to better outline the connections that exist between their proposals and those espoused by the author herself. The contribution made by Concepción Arenal to social work lies in the compassionate style of social intervention she proposes. This derives from the consideration that she harbours of the person as an end in themself, vulnerable and therefore perfectible, enabling a horizontal relationship between professional and user to be established and built on respect for dignity, empathy and understanding.&nbsp;</p> Francisco Idareta-Goldaracena Copyright (c) 2022 Francisco Idareta-Goldaracena Thu, 22 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0000 The Fight against Child Poverty within the Sustainable Development Goals Framework <p>The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has made a strong impact on the agenda of many multilateral entities, governments and NGOs. The fight against poverty is number 1 on the list of 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Its pre-eminent position on a global agenda of such characteristics is justified both by its relevance for promoting human well-being and social progress, and also its close association with other objectives. The experience of poverty has a universal nature, and combines various expressions of material and subjective paucity. This article looks at the dimensions of poverty contemplated in SDG 1, while focusing specifically on the fight against child poverty. The reasons are listed for affording it special attention and the magnitude of the problem is analysed both on a global scale and also in Spain. Last of all, other dimensions associated with material deprivation in childhood incorporated in other SDGs are also examined.&nbsp;</p> Pau Marí Klose Copyright (c) 2022 Pau Marí Klose Thu, 22 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Systematic Violence against Human Rights Defenders of the Environment and Territory within the Post-agreement Framework in Colombia <p>This article examines the general context of human rights defenders of the environment and territory in Colombia based on a review of the literature, from a documented perspective, analysing the exercise of defending the environment in a violent situation.</p> <p>The study takes as its starting point the disputes over natural resources that are accompanied by significant negative impacts both at a social and environmental level. Efforts to attempt to protect the environment and most vulnerable communities have given rise to the so-called environmental defenders, who assume responsibility for safeguarding the rights of both human beings and also those of the land.&nbsp; This defensive exercise in Colombia has very special characteristics, such as armed conflict and structural violence, within which a series of systematic violent practices perpetrated against them can be identified. Such aspects complicate their defence of the environment and increase the level of vulnerability of such communities, making the task of these defenders even more difficult.&nbsp;</p> Andrea Turriago Molinas Copyright (c) 2022 Andrea Turriago Molinas Thu, 22 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Technology Acceptance Scale in Social Workers <p>In recent years, there has been significant technological progress, particularly in the world of information and communication technologies (ICTs), which are rapidly transforming the various professions linked to social intervention. The hypothesis that social workers manifest a high level of technology acceptance since they discern significant advantages in using teleworking technologies in their professional practice is used as a starting point for our research. Hence, our main aim was to check the degree of technology acceptance among social workers on an international level, with a secondary goal being to analyse how the link is established between professional practice and the use of new technological opportunities for social workers. With respect to method, a specialised questionnaire with 27 variables (Cronbach’s alpha α = 0.950) and the scale for the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) were applied to a sample of 1144 social workers from 13 countries. In conclusion, a high degree of technology acceptance was detected, along with a clear identification between professional practice, the use of technological advances and their connection with the standards proposed by NASW, and a clear identification of the main benefits of using such technologies for social work. All these elements have a close relationship with the extension of teleworking in Social Services and with e-social work.</p> Evaristo Barrera-Algarín, José Luís Sarasola-Sánchez-Serrano, Alberto Sarasola-Fernández, Ana Vallejo-Andrada Copyright (c) 2022 Evaristo Barrera-Algarín, José Luís Sarasola-Sánchez-Serrano, Alberto Sarasola-Fernández, Ana Vallejo-Andrada Thu, 22 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0000 When pictures speak: the perception of users undergoing residential drug addiction treament concerning their integration using photovoice <p>People receiving treatment for drug addiction have to face reintegration after completing their therapy. This is based on the acquisition of skills to achieve full autonomy. Reintegration is implemented when a situation involving exclusion has occurred, in this case associated with the use of drugs. The aim of this study was to ascertain the viewpoint of the individuals receiving residential treatment for drug addction regarding their own integration process.&nbsp; Data was gathered using a qualitative approach using the Photovoice technique over ten sessions, in which fourteen users participated from a therapeutic group, along with two halfway houses specialising in providing aid to drug addicts. The results indicated that the participants believed reintegration depended on themselves and the use they made of their stay at the halfway house. Nevertheless, they also evaluated external differences such as stigmatisation in the form of mistrust, the lack of information concerning addiction on the part of society, or the lack or resources and qualified professionals. In conclusion, the participants showed great motivation to tackle their integration satisfactorily considering the difficulties they were likely to &nbsp;encounter. Finally, the use of the Photovoice technique was perceived to be positive by the participants, especially as a means of participation and expression.</p> Laia Casals, Fran Calvo Copyright (c) 2022 Laia Casals, Fran Calvo Thu, 22 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Employment situation in people with Long COVID: Analysis of associated sociodemographic and clinical factors. <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: The characteristic symptomatology of Long-COVID syndrome affects the physical and cognitive functioning of people who suffer from it, creating challenges when returning to their usual job. The objective of this study was to deepen the understanding of the employment status of people with this syndrome and its associated sociodemographic and clinical factors. <strong>Material and methods</strong>: A cross-sectional study was carried out with the participation of 83 patients diagnosed with Long-COVID, over 18 years of age and attended by Primary Health Care in the Autonomous Community of Aragon. The main study variable was the employment status of the participants, in addition to collecting sociodemographic and clinical data through a structured interview. Subsequently, a descriptive, correlation and regression statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS Statistics program. <strong>Results</strong>: Of the 83 study participants, 55.4% were in an active employment situation, and 44.6% in a situation of temporary incapacity for work. A greater number of persistent symptoms and belonging to the male gender were predictors of a greater probability of being in a situation of temporary incapacity for work. <strong>Discussion</strong>: A large percentage of people with Long-COVID are on sick leave or temporary incapacity for work, which makes it necessary to develop prevention and action programs from socio-health care teams with the aim of these people not losing their jobs temporarily or permanently or, if this has already happened, return to their previous work situation as soon as possible.</p> Sandra León Herrera, Mario Samper-Pardo, Angela Asensio-Martínez Copyright (c) 2023 Sandra León Herrera, Mario Samper-Pardo, Angela Asensio-Martínez Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Mobility and lifestyles of the romanian gypsy population. A case study in southern Spain <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>This qualitative article focuses on the causal factors of the mobility of the Romanian Roma population to the province of Seville (Andalusia, Southern Spain) and their current lifestyle in environments located in the outskirts of cities. The research was carried out through an exploratory study in different territories (Ecija, Utrera, Los Palacios and Seville city). In addition, 35 interviews were conducted with men and women between 21 and 72 years born in Romania. The findings have made it possible, on the one hand, to get to know the Romanian Roma population living in stigmatised and socially vulnerable conditions on the outskirts of different cities, and on the other hand, the characteristics that accompany the mobility of the population in their journey to improve their living conditions. It concludes by highlighting the capacity for adaptation and mobility of the group under study in the face of complex situations of social exclusion. Furthermore, it stresses the need to intervene in order to provide lasting solutions from the Social Services, which should programme specific actions with this type of population living in exclusion and which has its own characteristics.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> María Luna Montoya Fernández, José David Gutiérrez Sánchez Copyright (c) 2023 María Luna Montoya Fernández, José David Gutiérrez Sánchez Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of the sociodemographic and clinical profile of people referred to a Mental Health Unit during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain <p>Introduction. The global COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the mental health of the world's population. Both fear and anxiety have been common factors in all societies. The objective of the study is to analyze the sociodemographic and clinical profile of referrals made from Primary Care (PC) to a Mental Health Unit (MHU) during the first months of the pandemic and confinement in Spain.<br>Material and methods. A cross-sectional descriptive retrospective study was carried out using an ad-hoc questionnaire, administered in 105 subjects, during the months of March and October 2020. The main variable of the study was whether the demand was a consequence of COVID-19 or not. The secondary variables are the sociodemographic profile (gender, age, place of residence, healthy lifestyle, and work situation) and the clinical profile (main, secondary and COVID-19 diagnosis, relapse episode, medical history, substance use and use of psychiatric drugs).<br>Results. Referred patients are mainly diagnosed with anxiety and depression and considered COVID-19 as the main cause of their mental discomfort if they are people who reside in an urban nucleus, if their main diagnosis was hypochondria, or if they did not consume substances.<br>Discussion. The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic can vary according to the sociodemographic and clinical profile of the population; therefore, they must be studied more thoroughly, especially in patients with previous mental health problems.</p> Mario Samper Pardo, Alejandra Aguilar Latorre, José Carlos Azón Belarre Copyright (c) 2022 Mario Samper Pardo, Alejandra Aguilar Latorre, José Carlos Azón Belarre Thu, 22 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0000 TOWARDS A THEORETICAL MODEL OF APOROPHOBIA <p>Currently, aporophobia is acquiring greater visibility due to the influence of changes in Spanish legislation, such as Organic Law 8/2021, of 4 June, on the comprehensive protection of children and adolescents against violence. The role of social workers in the face of rejection and aggression towards the poor is crucial, since attention to these people is a priority in the social sphere, and the challenge is to provide comprehensive intervention to eliminate aporophobia. Given the lack of specific theoretical models on aporophobia, this article examines different comprehensive theories that will facilitate the explanation of this phenomenon, such as the elements involved in the discriminatory process towards these people, the explanatory factors of the aggressors' group behaviour towards the victims of aporophobia and the intersectional model that explains, in an interactional way, the inequalities and discrimination towards them.</p> <p>The aim is to develop effective strategies and action plans that facilitate the intervention of social workers, especially in the detection of these victimisations.</p> Eva María Picado Valverde, Raquel Guzmán Ordaz, Amaia Yurrebaso Macho Copyright (c) 2022 Eva María Picado Valverde, Raquel Guzmán Ordaz, Amaia Yurrebaso Macho Thu, 22 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Breve presentación <p>-</p> Juan R. Coca Copyright (c) 2021 Juan R. Coca Wed, 22 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Homelessness and Public Space: A Case Study of the City of Alcalá de Henares <p>In the framework of the sociology of homelessness, it has been argued that the increasing expansion of economic neoliberalism leads to a new criminalisation and segregation of homeless people. This process is materialised, among other ways, through the control and regulation of public space. Through a case study, this article presents exploratory research carried out in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid). The research methodology combines quantitative data (obtained from the only source of data on homelessness that exists in this city), and qualitative information collected through semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation. The results show a progressive "expulsion" of homeless people from the city centre to the most degraded areas of the city. At the same time, this process coexists with social actions that try to attend to these people. There is a tense situation between different actors and interests in relation to public space, which should be addressed in order to guarantee everyone's right to the city and to counteract attitudes of rejection towards the most extreme poverty.</p> María José Rubio-Martín Copyright (c) 2021 María José Rubio-Martín Wed, 22 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Pressure to succeed in sport: An empirical analysis of the causal process that drives athletes to infringe rules <p>Opportunity blocking is a source of frustration historically associated with crime and other deviant behaviour. Contemporary versions of frustration theories further predict that the effects of opportunity blocking on offending are conditioned by a range of individual and social factors. This study empirically analyses the latter hypothesis in the context of sports activity/competition. More specifically, we analyse whether the influence of opportunity blocking on a series of unsporting behaviours is greater when athletes need or depend (professionally, occupationally or emotionally) on certain results. To do so, we use a sample of active athletes made up of undergraduate and postgraduate students from the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), as well as athletes who are members of sports clubs or schools in various disciplines and who compete at different levels. A series of simple moderation analyses based on the linear regression model confirm the hypothesis put forward.</p> Marco Teijón Alcalá Copyright (c) 2021 Marco Teijón Alcalá Wed, 22 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Social emergencies and emergencies from the perspective of Social Services: the role of Social Work <p>Introduction: The field of social urgencies and emergencies is one of those considered prominent in the discipline of Social Work. The aim of this paper is to clarify the meaning and use given by social services to the terms urgency and emergency, both from a legislative point of view and from the point of view of the social workers who intervene in these situations, and to gather proposals for improvement at a training level.<br /><br />Material and methods: Using a qualitative methodology, a content analysis was carried out of the Social Services laws of Aragon, Catalonia and the Community of Madrid, as these are Autonomous Communities where important actions have been carried out in this field in recent years. In addition, a total of seven interviews were conducted with social workers from these Autonomous Regions with a long history in this field.<br /><br />Results: Different nuances in the concepts of urgency and emergency in the legislation of the three Autonomous Regions analysed can be seen, with the consequent differences in the interventions considered within each term. On the other hand, the discourse of the professionals shows more coincidences, pointing out the important work of social workers in this field.<br /><br />Discussion: The lack of definition and ambiguity of the terms urgency and social emergency, the need to clarify their definitions, as well as the lack of specific training in these subjects in the official academic itineraries of Social Work.</p> Sandra Romero-Martín, Elisa Esteban-Carbonell, María del Mar Del Rincón Ruiz Copyright (c) 2021 Sandra Romero-Martín, Elisa Esteban-Carbonell, María del Mar Del Rincón Ruiz Wed, 22 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Preventive behaviour of youth in the face of COVID-19 <p>As of March 2020, the Spanish Government, after declaring a state of alarm throughout the national territory, by means of Royal Decree 463/2020, has defined different measures in order to face the health and social crisis caused by COVID-19, which have demanded a committed social response from the different sectors of the population. Social Work, not only in terms of intervention but also in the field of research, has been contributing knowledge based on reality, in order to address, among other preventive measures in the face of the pandemic. The following is a quantitative cross-sectional study, developed in collaboration with the Youth Department of Malaga City Council and the Civic Association for Prevention (ACP), with the aim of measuring the behaviour and attitudes of 1,066 young people in Malaga with respect to the preventive measures proposed to mitigate the spread of the virus. The results show that there is a commitment among young people in the city of Malaga to stop the spread of the virus, beyond being punished for not wearing a mask, with a greater concern for not infecting people close to them and not becoming infected. The conclusion is that there is a need to continue promoting awareness of the prevention of personal and social contagion in order to reduce the probability of being infected by the coronavirus, measures that can have a greater effect than purely punitive measures, where young people are not held solely responsible for the increase in contagion.</p> Rafael Arredondo Quijada, Ana Cristina Ruiz Mosquera, Sara Olivares Alvarez Copyright (c) 2021 Rafael Arredondo Quijada, Ana Cristina Ruiz Mosquera, Sara Olivares Alvarez Wed, 22 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 The "malaise" that has no name: women researchers in COVID19 times <p>In the current pandemic context, a very worrying scenario of inequality between women and men emerges as a result of the inequalities that have worsened during this global pandemic. This article examines how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the existing gender gap in science and the consequences this has had on the health and quality of life of women academics. Through the analysis of several studies carried out in our country and the international scientific literature, it is concluded that confinement has accelerated inequality between male and female academics, mainly as a result of the "care gap" and the sexist division of labour that still survives in academia, leading to deterioration and deterioration of the working conditions of female researchers: more exhaustion, less sleep, more fatigue, more hours of academic teleworking, reproductive and care work and less time available for themselves, and consequently, less scientific production compared to their male colleagues, with the future consequences in the wage gap that this will mean.</p> Águeda Gómez Suárez, Iria Vázquez Silva Copyright (c) 2021 Águeda Gómez Suárez, Iria Vázquez Silva Wed, 22 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Pandemic times: podcasting and participation as a tool for intergenerational health and encounter <p>An experience of intergenerational training and community participation between students of the Faculty of Education of Soria and older people is reported. This intervention was carried out in the first four-month period of 2020-21. The action consists of an approach to the podcast as a tool for socio-educational innovation and communication between groups of different ages and educational contexts. The aim is to strengthen relations between the two groups and promote meeting actions in the context of COVID-19. The aim is to stimulate rapprochement, eliminate geronto-phobic prejudices and promote social health. The action is based on the premise of lifelong education in formal, non-formal and informal contexts. The pandemic adds the emerging objective of alleviating unchosen isolation, especially among the most vulnerable older people. This is a comprehensive experience, based on ethnographic fieldwork and centred on experimentation. It is concluded that this type of action reduces social prejudices and the impact of the digital divide and that, despite the unfulfilled desires of the participants (who experienced the screen as a barrier and facilitator of encounters), positive and healthy socio-affective synergies are generated in both groups.</p> Lidia Sanz Molina, Susana Gómez Redondo, Elena Jiménez García Copyright (c) 2021 Lidia Sanz Molina, Susana Gómez Redondo, Elena Jiménez García Wed, 22 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Impact on the activity of rare disease organisations and their relatives during the COVID-19 containment in Spain <p>The COVID-19 pandemic has become a health crisis, with wide-ranging repercussions. Rare disease (RD) services have been affected by the changes resulting from the measures for their management. This study has analysed the impact of strict containment on the services and activity of RD-related organisations. A total of 81 RE entities in Spain participated in the study. The results showed that there has been a negative effect on the number of activities and services that the entities have been able to provide during this period. This was due both to the elimination of these activities and services and to the changes that had to be made in order to be able to provide them.</p> José Manuel Guerra; Gema Esteban-Bueno; Juan R. Coca Copyright (c) 2021 José Manuel Guerra, Gema Esteban-Bueno, Juan R. Coca Wed, 22 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Dietary inequality in adolescents: a review of scientific literature <p>This article is based on an analysis of the scientific literature on dietary inequality among the adolescent population. This analysis shows that, in Spain, diseases related to unhealthy eating are increasing at the same time as the Mediterranean diet is being replaced by another type of diet in which processed foods predominate. One of the most vulnerable groups with regard to unhealthy eating is adolescents. They have a worse diet than other age groups, but among themselves, there are also differences according to socio-economic status. The environment where people live can be a good indicator to analyse the above-mentioned differences, thus, the neighbourhood where people live seems to be a determining factor in their health and also in their diet. There are two theoretical models, which we believe are suitable for the study of dietary differences in adolescents; one is the model of dietary determinants, composed of the cultural, physical, social and personal environment; the other model is the Angelo framework, based mainly on obesity and including factors related to both diet and physical activity.</p> Jesús Rivera Navarro Copyright (c) 2021 Jesús Rivera Navarro Wed, 22 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Ignorance and complexity: The sociology of mental illness <p>Is the sociology of mental illness possible? This article addresses this question by first describing the lack of proven knowledge about mental illness (ignorance). Secondly, it describes how social systems approach the complexity that this fact entails from a sociology of systems. Having addressed these two key elements, we review four contributions to the sociology of mental illness: first, the concept of mental health literacy in contemporary societies; second, we describe the complex web that associates a stigma of violence and dangerousness with mental illness; third, the proposal of agent-based models; and finally, the social imaginaries of mental illness as tools for understanding the simplification of the complexity and management of ignorance that every social system faces. The article ends by answering in the affirmative to the question posed and delimiting the conditions of possibility for a sociology of mental illness.</p> Manuel Torres Cubeiro Copyright (c) 2021 Manuel Torres Cubeiro Wed, 22 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Social vulnerability and health risk <p>Although there is a large body of research that relates social conditions to the levels of infection of covid-19 disease, it has hardly been contextualised in the agricultural setting. Given this gap, this study delves into the social determinants that have an impact on high incidence rates of the pandemic in an agricultural labour context, where a large immigrant population, such as the Murcian municipality of Totana, converges. Based on an action-research methodology, secondary sources of information (review of studies and statistical analysis of databases) are complemented with three primary sources applied to different social agents: a) a survey of workers in a fruit and vegetable company; b) in-depth interviews with representatives of vulnerable households; and c) a discussion group with professionals from different areas of intervention in the face of the socio-health emergency. The results allow us to link the social conditions of the municipality with the lower levels of social protection and, therefore, of pandemic prevention. While the surveyed population shows a medium-high level of knowledge of the risks of the pandemic, the most vulnerable groups have real limitations, derived from deficient socio-occupational and residential conditions. The professionals emphasise that the pandemic has accentuated pre-existing social risks, linked to the strong attraction of seasonal agricultural labour. The study verifies that the precarious employment and residential conditions of a large group of the local population have had an impact on their higher levels of contagion, mainly among foreign nationals, who have fewer family and/or educational resources.</p> Manuel Hernández Pedreño, Eduardo Romero Sánchez, Francisco Eduardo Haz Gómez, Olga García Luque Copyright (c) 2021 Manuel Hernández Pedreño, Eduardo Romero Sánchez, Francisco Eduardo Haz Gómez, Olga García Luque Wed, 22 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Validación de una Escala para Medir el Índice de Eficacia Intercultural del Profesorado <p>Ante la creciente diversidad cultural en las aulas se reclama una mejor y mayor formación de los futuros docentes en gestión de la multiculturalidad con el objetivo de promover profesionales eficaces Ante la creciente diversidad cultural en las aulas se reclama una mejor y mayor formación de los futuros docentes en gestión de la multiculturalidad con el objetivo de promover profesionales eficaces</p> Tatiana Íñiguez-Berrozpe, Carmen Elboj-Saso, Ainhoa Flecha, Ariadna Munté Pascual Copyright (c) 2021 Tatiana Íñiguez-Berrozpe, Carmen Elboj-Saso, Ainhoa Flecha, Ariadna Munté Pascual Fri, 12 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Un análisis de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en el sector energético español: cómo se presenta, cómo se percibe <p>This paper analyzes the Corporate Social Responsibility of companies in the energy sector that are listed on the Ibex 35. It revolves around contrasting the stance taken by these companies on the policies of commitment to society in social or environmental terms, included in Corporate Social Responsibility theories, with the company’s own perception of these business actions. The question is whether these policies respond to a sophisticated marketing strategy, or instead constitute a true and real corporate commitment to issues that concern society as a whole.<br>The study is organized to follow the Triple Bottom Line (economic, social and environmental concerns), while focusing on the social and environmental dimensions. To do this, two indices are developed and compared. The Sustainability Index, which collects the information provided in the company’s sustainability reports for a period of three years, and the Real Sustainability Index, which represents the perception of society in general, obtained from various sources external to the company itself.<br>The analysis concludes that companies in the sector carry out actions that are perceived as insufficient in their social dimension while society expresses a more positive assessment of the environmental field. Therefore, it should be noted that the Social Responsibility policies implemented by the companies analyzed, especially in</p> Diana Victoria Lasierra Asún Copyright (c) 2021 Diana Victoria Lasierra Asún Fri, 12 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Las aspiraciones sociales de la adolescencia en México <p>The aim of this research article is to analyze the opinions of adolescents that are at risk of falling prey to violence and delinquency in the local municipalities of Xalapa, Poza Rica, Puerto de Veracruz and Coatzacoalcos in the state of Veracruz (Mexico). The field work was carried out in poverty-stricken neighbourhoods as categorized by the Department of Social Development. For the purposes of our research, we took a sampling from primary and secondary schools located within the areas under study, with the participation of 434 adolescents from 10 to 14 years of age. A descriptive approach was adopted to analyze the data, with correlations being discussed and the data analysis carried out using SPSS version 25. It was found that adolescents clearly identify the problems in their family, school, neighbourhood and country. However, they are willing to work for social change. 72% of those surveyed see themselves as a professional in ten years, while 69% see themselves working or studying in ten years’ time. It should be noted that social inequality, social practices, context and culture place limits on their social wellbeing. Therefore, we propose a model of social intervention, implemented by social management, where they are the ones that take decisions concerning their future based on cumulative economic, social, cultural and symbolic capital.</p> Nemesio Castillo Viveros, José Alfredo Zavaleta Betancourt, Erika Patricia Rojas González Copyright (c) 2021 Nemesio Castillo Viveros, José Alfredo Zavaleta Betancourt, Erika Patricia Rojas González Fri, 12 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 La violencia de género como responsabilidad Estatal <p>Law 26485, on the full protection for the prevention, sanction and eradication of violence against women, amounted to the formal recognition of male violence as a matter of state in Argentina, but not the implementation of public policies to deal with this issue. In order to ascertain the State’s response to this type of violence, between February and June 2017, a series of semi-structured interviews were conducted with relevant actors in each of the systems involved in the sphere of prevention. These aimed to bring out the principles, operational and logical intervention dynamics for each one, through the use of discourse analysis.<br>Our research regarding sociopolitical, judicial and police aspects has enabled us to learn how this is understood and implemented in a country where, according to official data, the number of cases has not ceased to grow and hence, through such work, to make a critical contribution to academic debate with respect to so-called secondary prevention of gender-based violence.</p> Paz Olaciregui Rodríguez Copyright (c) 2021 Paz Olaciregui Rodríguez Fri, 12 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Noche de muestreo de personas sin hogar en la ciudad de Cádiz 2019 <p>This article shows the results of the last night of sampling of homeless people carried out in the city of Cadiz in 2019. The aim of the count is to learn about the evolution and characteristics of the homeless population. The method employed consists of holding a sampling night, which involves combing the city and the overnight facilities to survey all the people located during the given night. The data reflect the socio-demographic characteristics of the population, their use of resources, their biographical history, the causes of their situation and, finally, their health and living conditions. In conclusion, the information analyzed confirms the transformation of the profiles of the homeless towards an increasing feminization and juvenalization of the group.</p> Gabriel Robles Gavira Copyright (c) 2021 Gabriel Robles Gavira Fri, 12 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Satisfacción del usuario del Servicio de Ayuda a Domicilio para personas dependientes <p>Introduction: The aim of this study is to discover the degree of satisfaction perceived by beneficiaries (whether direct or indirect) of the Home Help Service as an indicator of quality; to analyze the results obtained; and to propose options for improvement aimed at increasing people’s quality of life.</p> <p>Specific objective: to ascertain the initial expectations of the beneficiaries of the programme along with their perception of the support received and to define which tasks generate the greatest burden on the caregiver.</p> <p>Material and methods: transversal descriptive study analyzing primary data.<br>Interviews lasting approximately one hour were carried out in May 2018 in the homes of beneficiaries of the Service in the Barrio Oliver neighbourhood in Zaragoza.<br>There were 26 participants in all, consisting of dependents, or their informal carers - beneficiaries of the Home Help Service for dependent people belonging to the Oliver Municipal Social Services Centre in Zaragoza.<br>As an empirical framework, a questionnaire was prepared for use by the authors, with the results being analyzed by means of the Pareto Chart, this being a tool used for measuring quality.<br>Results: the computation of hours dedicated to domestic care is very similar for all beneficiaries, regardless of their state of health, with huge differences being noted in personal attention. Users indicate a high level of satisfaction for the services received<br>Conclusions: there is a need to implement improvement processes, mainly with regard to the domestic tasks provided. These encourage personal autonomy, along with improvement in the quality of life of both the dependent person and their family caregiver.</p> Eduardo Alberto Leché Martín, Ana Gil-Lacruz, Marta Gil-Lacruz Copyright (c) 2021 Eduardo Alberto Leché Martín, Ana Gil-Lacruz, Marta Gil-Lacruz Fri, 12 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Dos décadas desde la entrada en vigor de la Ley Orgánica 5/2000 <p>Twenty years have passed since Organic Law 5/2000 came into force on 12 January regulating the criminal liability of minors and successive amendments (hereinafter referred to as LORRPM), with many changes being made to the framework of juvenile criminal justice in Spain. While it is true that the figure of the social worker already existed, this new regulation instituted a fresh approach, not only in criminal matters, but also anchoring the concept of social work as a professional forensic discipline, given the fact that Regulation 1774/2004, of 30 July, concerning the LORRPM, has established the basis for explaining in greater detail our functions and powers within technical teams. In line with the above, issues are presented relating to the collaboration and participatory and representative social intervention of the forensic social worker, from a rights-based perspective. By so doing, some procedural or methodological unknowns are revealed, enabling a mental framework of critical and reflective thinking to be fomented in the reader.</p> Emiliano A. Curbelo Hernández Copyright (c) 2021 Emiliano A. Curbelo Hernández Fri, 12 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Consolidación de la Investigación clínica y experimental en Trabajo Social desde 1960 hasta la actualidad <p>This article analyzes how Social Work has been able to provide a direct link between professional practice and the generation of knowledge through professional intervention. In this regard, Social Work has used various methodologies and scientific procedures such as experimental and quasiexperimental designs, along with so-called Single Case Design Evaluation (SCDE). In this study the different types and potentialities are described for the direct generaton of scientific knowledge based on the evaluation of professional practice. The method consists of analyzing publications on experimentation and SCDE, taking Scopus as a reference, with data exported from 1960 to the present. 14 variables have been analyzed for such purpose. Findings: there has been a significant increase in the number of publications on “Experimentation in Social Work” and “Single Case Design Evaluation in Social Work”, especially during the past decade. The United States and United Kingdom are the main producers of experimentation in Social Work. It is concluded that Social Work has been able to harness such strategies of methodological research to consolidate research capacity and generation of knowledge, whether for the generation of theory or for professional intervention purposes.</p> Evaristo Barrera-Algarín Copyright (c) 2021 Evaristo Barrera-Algarín Fri, 12 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Cuantificación y prescripción <p>The implementation of social policies has led to the principle of making evaluation a standard for organizing the vocational integration sector. Evaluating social policies is currently all but limited exclusively to analyzing quantitative criteria determined by subsidiary claims dependent on political will. In this article we propose a critical and reflective approach based on a case study, seeking to answer a three-pronged question, namely: what are the effects on how work is organized, on the recipients of social measures, and on the workers themselves?</p> Pierre Artois Copyright (c) 2021 Pierre Artois Fri, 12 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Aproximación a los retos emergentes para el Trabajo Social Comunitario a partir de la experiencia de la Covid-19 <p>This article attempts to reflect on the importance that Community Social Work (CSW) can have in aiding the co-production of public policies. The goal is to highlight, from a community and participatory point of view, the need for greater involvement of users of the social services system in the design of those policies that most affect them. The methodology used is of an exploratory nature, involving significant documentary review. Although our results are not conclusive, they do point to the need to progressively involve all actors in the dynamics of new social policy designs, especially given the impact of Covid-19 on social service structures. It concludes by highlighting the need to activate new roles for CSR professionals to encourage the social empowerment processes of the beneficiaries of such policies.</p> Antonio Eito Mateo, Jesús García Martínez, Antonio Matías Solanilla Copyright (c) 2021 Antonio Eito Mateo, Jesús García Martínez, Antonio Matías Solanilla Fri, 12 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Trabajo Social y los Servicios Sociales <p>The work presented has its origin in applied social research published in June 2020 entitled: “How to implement a family mediation system in Aragon”. Starting from the description of the lights and shadows of the current family mediation system, it explains the significance of social work and social services in an effort to advance towards a renewed system that will encourage and promote extrajudicial mediation as generated by such services. By so doing, this will add weight to the preventive dimension of intervention in family conflicts. It will also enable family mediation to be exercised either as a specific technique within the sphere of family intervention or as a specific methodology or service that is deployed from different theoretical models. depending on each case.<br>In this context, social work as a discipline and as a profession is particularly relevant due to the training afforded not only to the practice of family mediation but also to other complementary techniques or methodologies of family intervention.</p> Carmen Mesa Raya, Jorge Gracia Ibáñez, Alba Mª Fernández-Campo Copyright (c) 2021 Carmen Mesa Raya, Jorge Gracia Ibáñez, Alba Mª Fernández-Campo Fri, 12 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Motivaciones para el emprendimiento social <p>El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en identificar y comprender las motivaciones que subyacen en la decisión de optar por el emprendimiento social como modelo de negocio. Para ello, la metodología utilizada consiste en un análisis exploratorio estructurado en tres etapas. Primero, se aplica la metodología Delphi para identificar las principales motivaciones, con la colaboración de 20 expertos en emprendimiento social. Después, se analiza la valoración tanto de estos expertos como de un grupo de 21 emprendedores sociales, sobre la importancia de las motivaciones identificadas en esta decisión. Finalmente, se realiza un análisis comparativo de las valoraciones de ambos grupos para detectar diferencias significativas entre sus percepciones. Entre los resultados obtenidos destaca el consenso en cuanto a la fuerza de motivaciones relacionadas con la autorrealización, por cumplir un sueño movido por una extraordinaria pasión. Por el contrario, existe discrepancia entre expertos y emprendedores sociales sobre la incidencia de las motivaciones ideológicas, fundamentadas en una profunda conciencia social, y de las motivaciones económicas y de empleo.</p> Esperanza García-Uceda, Josefina L. Murillo-Luna, Jesús Asín Lafuente Copyright (c) 2020 Jesús Gracia Ostáriz Tue, 31 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Protagonistas del cambio <p><strong>Resumen</strong></p> <p>En el presente trabajo efectuamos un abordaje por diferentes variables que nos permiten comprender el nivel de participación y preferencias políticas de los jóvenes españoles a lo largo de la actual democracia. Unos indicadores de participación electoral que, partiendo de nuestras hipótesis, nos demuestran que los jóvenes participan en elecciones generales en menor porcentaje que los adultos y se ubican ligeramente a la izquierda respecto del resto de grupos etarios. En relación a las preferencias partidarias, el estudio demuestra que los diferentes cambios de color político en España, coinciden con un cambio en las preferencias partidarias de los jóvenes, pero no con aumentos de participación electoral entre aquellos. A propósito de esto último, constatamos en el trabajo la existencia de un “abstencionismo estructural” entre el electorado joven. En suma, el trabajo demuestra el desinterés por la política entre la población joven española, acompañada de una abstención que tiene componente facultativo. Concluimos demostrando el papel protagónico de los jóvenes en las alternancias de poder en España entre 1982 y 2016.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Alejandro Espí Hernández Copyright (c) 2020 Jesús Gracia Ostáriz Tue, 31 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Análisis estratégico sobre la migración del talento en el ámbito de la Unión Europea <p>Introducción: Este artículo se centra, en primera instancia, en poner de relieve la importancia que tiene la movilidad de los recursos humanos y en concreto de talento en la Unión Europea, bajo la premisa de que este fenómeno en la actualidad continúa intensificándose, debido a la profunda competencia que existe.</p> <p>Metodología: La parte central del trabajo consiste en la recopilación de datos desde dos perspectivas diferentes: económica y educativa. A continuación, se procede al análisis de dichos datos cuantitativos a través de correlaciones estadísticas (coeficiente de Pearson).</p> <p>Resultados: Se obtiene una serie de resultados que ponen de manifiesto la relación existente entre las variables objeto de estudio. En concreto, se hayan distintas correlaciones estadísticas significativas. &nbsp;</p> <p>Conclusión: La interrelación de las variables macroeconómicas y educativas seleccionadas en este estudio aportan información relevante que pone de manifiesto el panorama general de la movilidad del talento de la Unión Europea dejando ver los nuevos retos a los que se enfrenta de manera general y de manera individual los países miembros.</p> Marta Ferrer Serrano, María Pilar Latorre Martínez, Ramón Hermoso Traba Copyright (c) 2020 Jesús Gracia Ostáriz Tue, 31 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Movilidad geográfica de la adolescencia rural española en el cambio de siglo <p>En las últimas décadas la emigración rural se ha ralentizado en España, aunque en muchas partes del territorio ha continuado el éxodo entre la población más joven, dificultado la supervivencia de muchos municipios y condicionando las expectativas de las nuevas generaciones. El objetivo del estudio trata de conocer la evolución de las expectativas de movilidad geográfica de los adolescentes españoles de entre 13 y 15 años, residentes en entornos rurales, en cuatro etapas distintas entre los años 1997 y 2012, centrándose el análisis en cómo los menores perciben su futuro, cómo piensan construirlo, así como en las dificultades que creen pueden encontrarse. Se trata de conocer sus intereses y preocupaciones, sus deseos y aspiraciones, y los condicionantes sociales y culturales, desde una perspectiva longitudinal.</p> <p>Se ha diseñado una metodología cualitativa como resultado de la necesidad de aplicar un enfoque inductivo, exploratorio y descriptivo. En concreto, la metodología seguida fue similar a la utilizada por Bernot y Blancard (1953) consistente en el análisis de contenido de redacciones escolares de estudiantes de segundo de ESO (13-15 años), con el siguiente tema: “<em>Cómo ves tu futuro calculando que puedes vivir hasta los 100 años, empezando por el más inmediato y pasando por la juventud, edad adulta y ancianidad”</em>. Se analizaron 872 redacciones, entre las cuatro fases de la investigación, procedentes de más de 100 centros educativos de todo el territorio nacional. Las redacciones fueron realizadas en las clases como una actividad académica más, por encargo del profesorado de los distintos centros, siguiendo las instrucciones metodológicas facilitadas. De la investigación se concluye que la movilidad territorial no se encontraría entre las principales preocupaciones de los adolescentes a lo largo de todo el periodo analizado, pese a que habrían aumentado las perspectivas migratorias; mayor preferencia por una movilidad de corto recorrido en todas las fases del estudio; a partir de 2008 se comienza a contemplar la emigración exterior; o que una parte importante de los menores desea regresar a su lugar de origen una vez finalizada la etapa formativa. El control social habría dejado de ser un factor determinante en la decisión de emigrar, en las indagaciones realizadas a partir de 2007.</p> Diego Gastón Faci, Jaime Minguijón Pablo, Eva Tomás del Río Copyright (c) 2020 Jesús Gracia Ostáriz Tue, 31 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Perfil socio-demográfico de madres adolescentes en España <p>En el artículo describimos cómo han evolucionado la maternidad adolescente y los embarazos tempranos en España desde mediados de los años noventa hasta 2017. Gracias a la explotación de datos secundarios de encuestas nacionales y al manejo de los hallazgos de numerosas investigaciones anteriores a la nuestra, destacamos las conductas afectivo-sexuales de las adolescentes residentes en este país y nos detenemos en el perfil socio-demográfico de aquellas chicas que han dado a luz antes de haber cumplido los 20 años durante este periodo.</p> Ana Lucía Hernández Cordero, Alessandro Gentile, Elena Luminita Tanase Copyright (c) 2020 Jesús Gracia Ostáriz Tue, 31 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Infancia en los márgenes <p class="Standard" style="line-height: 150%;"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; line-height: 150%;">El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la situación de niños y niñas de procedencia rumana y etnia gitana asentados junto con sus familias en el asentamiento chabolista de El Gallinero (Madrid). Esta investigación cualitativa parte de un trabajo de campo iniciado en 2010 y llevado a cabo hasta 2018. Como punto de partida y para fundamentar la temática de forma teórica, se llevó a cabo un análisis de documentación y legislación en materia de inclusión social y contextos de riesgo. De la misma forma, se tuvo en cuenta cómo dichos contextos mermaban la calidad de vida de sus habitantes y de qué modo catalizaban la movilidad humana entre diversos países de la Unión Europea, afectando al desarrollo físico y psicológico de los niños y niñas que formaban parte de los mismos. La degradación del entorno y las complicaciones existentes dentro de la implementación de proyectos de intervención social, requieren de intervenciones que se adapten aún más a las necesidades comunitarias y la cultura. En este artículo mostramos el trabajo empírico desarrollado tanto con las familias como con las entidades sociales intervinientes en el asentamiento.</span></p> José David Gutiérrez Sánchez, María José Alcalá del Olmo Fernández Copyright (c) 2020 Jesús Gracia Ostáriz Tue, 31 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0000 La influencia jurídica en los trabajos de fin de grado en trabajo social en la Universidad de Salamanca <p>Durante los últimos años, los Trabajos de Fin de Grado (TFG) han emergido como una importante fuente de información e investigación en el campo académico del Trabajo Social. En esta comunicación se analiza la influencia del Derecho y las estrategias metodológicas empleadas por el alumnado del grado en Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Salamanca durante los años 2012-18. Se han estudiado un total de 781 trabajos. Como conclusiones principales podemos destacar la hegemonía de la metodología cuantitativa, la prevalencia de temáticas contextualizadas en el marco del Derecho, y en el ámbito del Derecho Público General como temática recurrente</p> María Saavedra Gutiérrez Copyright (c) 2020 Jesús Gracia Ostáriz Tue, 31 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0000 El inicio de los Servicios Sociales de Atención Primaria en Aragón <p>Los Servicios Sociales de Atención Primaria en Aragón nacen en la ciudad de Zaragoza en 1980 y a los pocos años se empiezan a desarrollar también en diferentes poblaciones de las tres provincias aragonesas. Cuando se cumplen cuarenta años de las primeras experiencias se hace necesario el recordar cómo fueron esos inicios y cuál fue el contexto de esa época. Para ello se ha hecho un rastreo bibliográfico y análisis tanto de las diferentes disposiciones legislativas como de las primeras memorias de estos servicios publicadas.</p> <p>A la vez es necesario destacar y reconocer el papel de las trabajadoras sociales, pues en su mayoría siempre fueron mujeres, que estuvieron al frente desde el primer momento de estos servicios.</p> Antonio Matías Solanilla Copyright (c) 2020 Jesús Gracia Ostáriz Tue, 31 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0000 El voluntariado como determinante del dominio emocional y la resiliencia <p>El presente estudio pretende aportar evidencias sobre la relación entre el voluntariado, la inteligencia emocional y la resiliencia. Se cuenta con una muestra de 47 estudiantes de Trabajo Social. Se recogió información con las escalas: Motivación de Voluntariado, Trait Meta-Mood y Escala de resiliencia. Los resultados evidencian que los estudiantes valoran positivamente la práctica de voluntariado. Además, descubrimos una relación entre el conocimiento obtenido con la práctica de voluntariado, la regulación emocional y la perseverancia. Por último, se ofreció un modelo teórico causal de mediación que explica la relación existente entre estas variables. En concreto, los datos indican que el conocimiento influye en la regulación emocional y que ésta afecta a la perseverancia. Finalmente, las consecuencias prácticas de este estudio subrayan la necesidad de fomentar &nbsp;la práctica de voluntariado.</p> Carmen Salvador-Ferrer, María Daniela Jurado-Pérez, Ascención Gumersinda Rodríguez-Fernández Copyright (c) 2020 Jesús Gracia Ostáriz Tue, 31 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Análisis de las funciones del trabajador social escolar en España <p>El trabajo social en el ámbito escolar es un terreno todavía relativamente desconocido en España, sin embargo, tiene más de 100 años de historia en países como Estados Unidos. Sí que es conocido que la educación es uno de los campos del trabajo social y es evidente su repercusión directa a todos los niveles, desde el individual al familiar, pasando por diferentes grupos sociales que desde la escuela se conforman, así como por el nivel comunitario. Es un hecho que, según la normativa educativa vigente, se pueden encontrar trabajadores sociales en los colegios e institutos, pero en España raramente se concreta en la figura específica del trabajador social escolar. En el presente trabajo hacemos una revisión del trabajo social escolar en España, para dar luz a una faceta de la profesión invisibilizada y todavía negada por gran parte de los profesionales, que siguen confundiéndola con la labor de psicólogos y orientadores escolares.&nbsp; Para ello, examinamos la evolución legislativa que ha tenido el papel del trabajador social en el ámbito educativo, además de analizar sus funciones desde los ámbitos y modelos de intervención del trabajo social.</p> Diana Valero Errazu, Ana C. Romea, Aranzazu Palain Pescador Copyright (c) 2020 Jesús Gracia Ostáriz Tue, 31 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0000 La casa en el proceso de cambio de la sociedad rural aragonesa <p>La Casa aragonesa es una comunidad familiar y patrimonial que sin ser reconocida como persona jurídica, es sujeto de relaciones jurídicas y en torno a la cual se organizan las principales instituciones familiares y sucesorias forales aragonesas, especialmente en el Pirineo aragonés, dirigidas a la conservación del patrimonio y a la perpetuación de la estructura familiar. Esta estructura, el modo de vida tradicional, y la sociedad que lo sustentaba ha entrado en crisis profunda, por lo que se analizan las repercusiones a través de los sistemas de herencia y las posibilidades de reorganización de la institución en el mundo rural.</p> José Luis Argudo Périz Copyright (c) 2019 Tue, 28 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Acampada libre y legislación <p>La legislación ha tratado de proteger el medio ambiente prohibiendo la acampada, limitándola, controlándola o integrándola en otros conjuntos de medidas. Hoy día la legislación debe perseguir también la prevención y educación ambiental.</p> José María Nasarre Sarmiento Copyright (c) 2019 Tue, 28 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Flexibilidad del mercado de trabajo y creación de empleo <p>Análisis de la interrelación flexibilidad-empleo. Incidencia de los cambios tecnológicos en la polémica flexibilidad-"desarme normativo". Situación de problema en España y breve análisis de la flexibilidad de entrada en el mercado de trabajo europeo.</p> Mª Teresa Solas Picó Copyright (c) 2019 Tue, 28 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Estudio sobre las mujeres demandantes de primer empleo inscritas en las oficinas del INEM de Zaragoza <p>Dentro del colectivo de «parados» se debe diferenciar a un grupo que reúne unas características y problemática especial, las «mujeres demandantes de primer empleo», que no ha sido tenido en cuenta como conjunto delimitado al que la situación de desempleo afecta de manera especial. Es esta situación la que se ha estudiado, analizando cuales son los rasgos que comparten estas mujeres, la influencia que tiene en ellas el desempleo en todos los aspectos: económico, familiar, psicológico y social, y las posibles medidas que se podrían adoptar para solucionar el problema.</p> Gloria Tena Tena Copyright (c) 2019 Tue, 28 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Las nuevas tecnologías <p>Demasiadas Investigaciones sobre las consecuencias de las Nuevas Tecnologías han atribuido a las mismas cualidades y virtudes que no poseen como algo propio, contribuyendo así a crear una mitología, terrores o esperanzas que se han alejado de la realidad social.</p> Margarita García Arregui Copyright (c) 2019 Tue, 28 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 El mercado político de las decisiones públicas <p>El intento de aplicar el análisis económico, en la pretensión de elaborar una teoría de la acción gubernamental, pasa por analizar las motivaciones y el comportamiento de los agentes que intervienen en el proceso de toma de decisiones públicas, dirigentes del gobierno, políticos, votantes y grupos de presión, durante el periodo electoral, dentro del funciona­ miento de un sistema democrático, así como los efectos que conlleva la acción política, en una sociedad como la que estamos inmersos, donde no existe información perfecta y donde, por lo tanto, este limitado conocimiento de los asuntos públicos es un factor necesario para explicar la eficiencia de los grupos de presión.</p> Carmen Pelet Redon Copyright (c) 2019 Tue, 28 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Ocho crónicas sobre televisión española <h4>Alguna de las corrientes comunicológicas en boga aboga por la idea de que la historia del futuro quedará reducida a una imagen de televisión de la que se&nbsp;excluirá el acontecimiento. En realidad, los acontecimientos seguirán su propio curso sin que logren afectar nuestra visión, sin que la ocurrencia televisiva padezca en absoluto. Lo que aparezca en pantalla -la pantalla, nunca mejor dicho, actuará como una pantalla- será otra cosa. El viejo narrador -que mintiera o no, no importa- que solía decirnos cosas por el estilo de «yo estuve allí», o «lo vi con mis propios ojos» vendrá a ser sustituido por un actuario que dirá algo así como «yo desde esta pantalla, os voy a ocurrir lo que vais a ver, creadme» o «mirad, mirad con el ojo del asiento». Lo significativo no consistirá, por lo tanto, en que las historias sean firmadas, ni siquiera que aparezcan filmadas; lo significativo será que parezcan filmadas y que, existencias aparte, sean seguidas de algún debate en frecuencia modulada.</h4> José Antonio Rey del Corral Copyright (c) 2019 Tue, 28 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 El fomento sistemático de la desconfianza <h3>Dado que los niños reciben mensajes condicionadores antes de tener las facultades críticas formadas, se propone experimentar con un modelo de televisión que les permita desconfiar sistemáticamente de cuanto dicen los adultos, incluido su lenguaje.</h3> Enrique Gastón Copyright (c) 2019 Tue, 28 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Tendencias de la investigación en la sociología de la comunicación de masas <p>Panorámica sumaria sobre el origen y formación de la sociología de la comunicación de masas, a través de la reseña de las distintas corrientes de investigación que son significativas en el ámbito internacional. Inaugurada en Norteamérica bajo los requerimientos del sistema, ha sido contestada por la sociología crítica, siendo también reorientada con otros fines alternativos en diversos países.</p> Florencio García Madrigal Copyright (c) 2019 Tue, 28 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Bases para un programa de formación del profesorado <p>Es necesario que el currículum de formación del profesorado incorpore un conocimiento de los valores de aquellos sectores de población minoritarios con los que van a tener relación los futuros maestros y desarrollar actitudes apropia­ das para evitar que los grupos culturalmente minoritarios caigan en un problema de indefensión, debido a que el sistema educativo está orientado por unos principios que se apoyan en la cultura dominante.</p> Teresa Ramos Gascón, Mercedes Baillo Falo Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Vinculación nacional y nacionalidad de los habitantes de los territorios descolonizados del África española <p>La presencia española en los territorios africanos, supuso unas modificaciones de hecho en el status tanto del territorio como de los habitantes, principalmente a partir del año 1956 en que se inicia una etapa llamada de «provincialización». Se estudia la vinculación de los habitantes y la calificación jurídica del territorio durante este periodo, que el Consejo de Estado y la Jurisprudencia, en el momento de la descolonización, considera como «súbditos no nacionales» y « Posesiones españolas», respectivamente. Tras la Sucesión de Estados, surge una normativa específica que regula la opción o concesión colectiva de nacionalidad española a los «naturales» que quieran mantener la vinculación con el Estado sucedido. El análisis de estos textos muestras deficiencias jurídicas y una voluntad de liquidar un problema de forma excepcional con desconexión de la vinculación histórica del territorio y la población.</p> José Luis Argudo Périz Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Distinciones ante el derecho de constitución de sindicatos <p>La legislación sindical española no se limita a legalizar los sindicatos sino que les otorga una protección muy privilegiada. Por esta causa, el legislador selecciona a las personas que pueden fundar sindicatos dando lugar a diversas situaciones.</p> José María Nasarre Sarmiento Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Igualdad de la mujer <p>Estudio sumario de la situación de la mujer en el mundo laboral y su incorporación paulatina al mismo, intentando vencer la discriminación de la que ha sido objeto la mujer hasta ahora. Perspectivas actuales.</p> Margarita García Díaz Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 ¿Iguales o Diferenciados? <p>Negar la existencia de grupos sociales diferenciados puede ser tan equivocado como plantear una estratificación basada en ellos, con todo el repertorio de privilegios y&nbsp;discriminaciones. La próxima implantación del Jurado en España, aconseja reflexionar sobre si los iguales son más o menos apropiados que los distintos, entendiendo en este caso por distintos a los que se seleccionan sin tener en cuenta problemas sociales diferenciales. Ser joven o viejo, hombre o mujer, pobre o rico, gitano o payo, no son simples categorías a tener en cuenta para no incurrir en injusticias a la horade posibilitar el empleo. Son diferencias que una sociedad con actitudes prejuiciosas puede considerar determinantes a la hora de emitir un veredicto. Los payos juzgando a los gitanos, en determinadas ciudades españolas, no constituyen garantías especiales de equidad. Este problema, muy viejo en las naciones que cuentan con la institución del Jurado, aunque no resuelto satisfactoriamente en ninguna, se presenta como novedoso en las próximas modificaciones legislativas españolas.</p> Enrique Gastón Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 La demografía en los países de la Comunidad Europea <p>La base humana es un factor de primer orden con el que tiene que contar toda economía. La capacidad de producción de un determinado sistema económico está ligada a diversos componentes, siendo el de la población uno de los fundamentales puesto que de él, depende también el consumo de dicha producción. Se hace un análisis del comportamiento demográfico de los Doce países de la Comunidad Europea, reflejando la importancia que la evolución poblacional ha adquirido en muchos aspectos socioeconómicos de los distintos Estados miembros. El modo de distribuirse dicha población, es un factor que condiciona directamente &nbsp;cualquier análisis económico.</p> Jesús Manuel Urbez García Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Aproximación a la polémica sobre "la literatura de mujeres" <p>Diversos estudios han intentado demostrar cómo existen rasgos estilísticos y temáticos específicos de la literatura escrita por mujeres. Estos estudios coinciden en señalar que estas características específicas se deben a la marginalidad sociocultural en la que ha sido mantenida la mujer a lo largo de la historia. Entre estos rasgos comunes a todas las autoras estaría la búsqueda del yo, la narración de la historia de una forma cercana e intimista, y la escritura de una literatura de compromiso y complicidad con las demás mujeres.</p> Pilar Vicente Serrano Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 La mujer <p>La marginación de la mujer en los estudios históricos, se ha debido a que los historiadores han centrado sus investigaciones en los acontecimientos económico-político-ideológicos de la esfera pública, tradicionalmente dominada por el varón.</p> <p>No obstante, la mujer no ha estado confinada en la esfera privada ya que ha participado desde siempre en el mundo laboral. Es esta participación y su evolución la que se ha analizado, diferenciando, a lo largo de la historia, tres etapas que tienen características propias.</p> Gloria Tena Tena, María Asin Mendoza Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Ragazza <p>En la medida en que las revistas femeninas y, concretamente <em>Ragazza, </em>difunde una representación de la adolescente que obedece a estereotipos de género adaptados a las nuevas condiciones sociales; deviene en paradigma que actualiza, justifica e incluso puede llegar a perpetuar las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres.</p> Esther Puyal Español Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 El respeto a la cultura de la diferenciación <p>Análisis del proceso de exclusión social que se produce en nuestra sociedad a partir de las diferencias individuales, crítica a las intervenciones sociales actuales ante este tema y planteamiento del reto que supone para el Trabajo social, como profesión el respetar en sus actuaciones las diferencias individuales.</p> Tomasa Bañez Tello Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Las coaliciones distributivas dentro de una sociedad pluralista <p>Los grupos de interés, al operar en la esfera económica, se proponen en primer lugar fortalecer la posición de mercado de sus miembros mediante medidas adoptadas, en cierto modo, <em>contra </em>las fuerzas del mercado -por ejemplo, por vías de&nbsp;organización, regulación, legislación, etcétera-; y segundo, que a esos grupos de interés les preocupan en grado sumo una serie de cuestiones distributivas del tipo de «suma cero», en las que sólo se pueden proteger o favorecer los intereses de sus miembros en la medida en que se amenace o se perjudique a los de otros grupos.</p> Carmen Pelet Redón Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Un mundo sin fronteras <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="38"> <table width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> &nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h1>Al principio era el paisaje hasta que apareció un tal K que más tarde sería llevado a la Literatura por el patético judío de Praga. Sucede que dicho K, cumpliendo verticales&nbsp;órdenes, loteó el paisaje, y es así como aparecieron parcelas y predios, punteados por líneas imaginarias que venían a coincidir, sospechosamente, con ese otro reparto de la Geografía en áreas de rapiña. La Geografía, una vez admitido el uso de la Geometría sobre su piel irregular, dejó de ser natural y se convirtió en mapa político. Severas conminaciones dividieron las aguas. La Antropología se partió en pedazos y hubo un proceso de concentración parcelaria que significó la desposesión de muchos bajo el mandato de unos pocos.</h1> José A. Rey del Corral Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Nuevos grupos, clases y comportamientos en la sociedad de consumo <p>A partir del antagonismo de las clases marxistas, se perfila la estructuración de nuevos grupos sociales desiguales pero de comportamientos convergentes, en una sociedad cuyos procesos prevalentes se ordenan en torno al consumo.</p> Florencio García Madrigal Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Lo uno no es lo otro <p>Quisiera partir de un análisis que hace un antropólogo francés (P. Afiergan: exotismo y alteridad) entre las modas de aprehensión de los indígenas, en los cuentos de los <em>viajeros </em>del s. XVI (Marco Polo, Colón...) y el de los antropólogos del s. XIX:</p> <p>Los primeros atraídos por lo lejano y el exotismo, descubrían otras culturas, otra conciencia de sí, en otros entornos geográficos y humanos que los enviaban, por otra parte, a la propia consciencia de ellos mismos; encontraban al otro.</p> <p>Los segundos tuvieron una aproximación fundada sobre el saber, la objetividad científica y una perspectiva positivista consideraron más bien a las otras culturas con relación a la suya en sistemas de clasificaciones y cuantificaciones, buscando los puntos comunes y los no comunes; centrados sobre la diferencia.</p> <p>Alteridad / Diferencia: dos conceptos que se oponen, lo que permite aprehenderlos mejor.</p> <p>La diferencia se inscribe en el mismo orden, la misma especie, por clasificación y disposición en serie; investiga el común denominador, el resto es retirado, suprimido con relación al que hace referencia cuestiones de la diferencia de sexos "el uno y el otro sexo" M. Mead. al que dice la diferencia.</p> <p>Ejemplo: las clases</p> <p>pobres con relación a los estratos favorecidos a los que pertenecen a menudo los etnólogos, cf, <em>La observación del hombre, </em>G. Lederc o Grignon y Passeron <em>miserabilismo </em><em>y </em><em>populismo.</em></p> <p>Cuestión concerniente a los inmigrados y su cultura / sociedad de acogida.</p> <p>DIFERENCIACIÓN</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>El concepto de diferencia envía a, y se articula, me parece, sobre la distinción y la individuación:</p> <ul> <li>distinción como necesidad para ciertas categorías favorecidas de marcar la diferencia por prácticas sociales y/o culturas que las</li> <li>individuación como proceso de elecciones individuales provocadas por la sociedad de masa y la oferta de consumo <em>( La era del vacío, </em> Lipovetski).</li> </ul> <p>La alteridad está más bien fundada sobre la identidad del otro, <em>su punto de vista </em>que equivale al mío en contextos diferentes que deben ser tenidos en cuenta, la altenidad implica desprenderse de sí y considerar al otro como un <em>sujeto-equivalente </em>de sí y el recono.cimiento del lugar y de la subjetividad del observador (que a menudo pasa bajo silencio como norma implícita).</p> <p>Hacer &nbsp;dialécticos &nbsp;los &nbsp;periódicos &nbsp;de &nbsp;etnólogos &nbsp;(Malinowski, Conrad) y sus obras «científicas».</p> <ol> <li>Pavret-Saada y su investigación sobre la brujería.</li> </ol> <p>Los cuentos de la vida: «Yo es otro» P. Lejenne.</p> <p>Conclusión positivismo y objetividad/ Subjetividad hermeneutica y lugar del observador.</p> <p>El individuo </p> Benedicte Goussault Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Diversidad y multiculturalismo <p>Desde la Antropología Social y Cultural el «otro» ha estado presente, como objeto de estudio y como fenómeno social identitario. Ha pasado de buscarse en las sociedades llama­das «exóticas» o «primitivas» a encontrarlo en el propio ámbito cultural del antropólogo; pero esta irrupción no ha sido analizada históricamente de la misma manera. La reflexión sobre las relaciones interétnicas y la perspectiva antropológica sobre ellas, se vislumbra como importante para la construcción de un modelo de sociedad que debe convivir y enriquecerse con la diferencia y diversidad cultural.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Carmen Gallego Ranedo Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 La comunidad europea <h2>En el siguiente artículo se hace un recorrido desde los orígenes y nacimiento de la Comunidad Europea, pasando por las distintas ampliaciones y las negociaciones de España hasta la fecha de integración. El futuro de la Comunidad se presenta apasionante ante los grandes retos que se avecinan en vísperas del final del Segundo Milenio. La agenda de los noventa tiene subrayados acontecimientos tan importantes como, la Unión Europea en 1977 e incluso, la ampliación con otros países que llaman a su puerta.</h2> Jesús Manuel Urbez García Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Legislación social y revolución francesa <p>En la sociedad del Antiguo Régimen existía ya una beneficencia organizada por los poderes públicos para paliar la enorme pobreza reinante, pero deberemos esperar a la Revolución Francesa para que aparezca la primera legislación social y las primeras preocupaciones teóricas sobre lo que hoy denominaríamos «Estado del bienestar».</p> <p>Este embrión de política social desarrollado por las sucesivas Asambleas revolucionarias, no sólo por la Convención, tardará mucho tiempo en concretarse en la realidad.</p> María Ángeles Larumbe Gorraitz, Eudaldo Casanova Surroca Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Un lugar para el derecho del empleo <h2>El Derecho del Trabajo es utilizado como instrumento para combatir los efectos de la crisis económica. En España se ha abierto un amplio debate público sobre el mercado de trabajo a comienzos de 1993.</h2> José Mª Nasarre Sarmiento Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 La contabilidad de los recursos humanos <p>Aunque tradicionalmente la Contabilidad no ha reflejado el capital humano de la empresa, lo cierto es que forma parte de su riqueza. Cualidades tales como la organización, la disciplina, el adiestramiento, el conocimiento de! mercado, etc. que poseen los trabajadores de la unidad económica, son relevantes para la gerencia y para los usuarios de los estados financieros. El problema tradicional ha sido la falta de técnicas de medición y valoración de los recursos humanos.</p> Javier Sanz Santolaria Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 El trabajo a tiempo parcial, aspectos sociales y organizacionales <h3>El trabajo a Tiempo Parcial comprende cerca de 1/5 de la fuerza de trabajo en U.S.A., constituyendo en 1990 más del 18% de la población activa. El 90% del empleo a Tiempo Parcial tiene lugar en el sector servicios. Los modelos de trabajo alternativo han cambiado las políticas organizacionales tradicionales, teniendo repercusiones sociales importantes en todos aquellos trabajadores que conforman el mercado de trabajo contingente.</h3> Margarita García Arregui Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Ancianos en situación de riesgo en el barrio de San José <h5>El Barrio de San José, cuenta según datos del Padrón de 1.991, con un total de 10.270 mayores de 65 años, lo que representa el 14,90 % del total de su población. El presente trabajo se basa en los factores de riesgo y recursos que puedan afectar a este colectivo. Para su realización, nos basamos en bibliografía, entrevistas, reuniones y la confección y ejecución de 200 encuestas realizadas de forma aleatoria entre los ancianos del barrio, finalizando con la valoración y análisis de todos los datos obtenidos.</h5> Guadalupe Garay Giménez, Matilde Pérez Puente Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 El cambio del movimiento estudiantil de la revolución a la apatía <p>Veinticinco años después del Mayo francés, el movimiento estudiantil parece haber desaparecido del mapa no ya del de la sociedad sino incluso del de la universidad. ¿Por qué? Este cambio no puede entenderse por la existencia de un solo factor, sino que se debería a la interrelación entre la acción de los poderes públicos y los fracasos históricos del movimiento estudiantil.</p> Montserrat Navarrete Lorenzo Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Conductas asociales y características en la personalidad en menores de 10 a 14 años <h3>Estudio de 151 menores (10 a 14 años), 60 de ellos presentan conductas disociales y absentismo escolar, que no mejora con los apoyos prestados a las familias, aún con una evolución positiva de las mismas. Un servicio de protección y atención a las familias, no es suficiente para resolver los conflictos sociales y psicológicos que sufren y provocan estos menores.</h3> Ana L. Navarro Soto Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Futuros líderes: estudio comparativo con una muestra de estudiantes españoles y franceses <p>La competitividad de las empresas aragonesas en la nueva Europa, depende en gran medida de la capacidad directiva de nuestros líderes. Las actitudes de los jóvenes aragoneses, nos inclinan a pensar que los líderes autoritarios continuarán siendo mayoría en la empresa española en los próximos años.</p> M.ª Pilar de Luis Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 La intervención colectiva como instrumento de capacitación de la comunidad <p>Con este trabajo pretendemos presentar la intervención colectiva como potenciadora de las capacidades de la población, desde la triple perspectiva de facilitar la participación social, prevenir la aparición de situaciones de riesgo y atender situaciones de carencia o necesidad.</p> Tomasa Báñez Tello Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Los servicios sociales en la ciudad de Zaragoza <h4>El desarrollo de la Acción Social y la ejecución del Plan de Servicios Sociales del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza, uno de los pioneros a nivel nacional, se ha visto afectado por la situación económica por la que está pasando la sociedad española, sufriendo recortes presupuestarios en programas sociales prioritarios.</h4> <p>Las diferentes fuerzas sociales y ciudadanas exigen a la administración municipal soluciones a los problemas de con­ vivencia que se crean como consecuencia de la marginación social, más patente y cruda, en los momentos de crisis y desajustes económicos.</p> Carlos Gómez Bahillo Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Implicaciones sociales, mercadotecnia y opinión publica, en la aplicación de ingresos de inserción <p>En una época en que los conflictos sociales emergen con nuevas formas, se plantea la conveniencia de asumir principios de mercadotecnia social y opinión pública, en la aplicación de programas sociales controvertidos.</p> Florencio García Madrigal Copyright (c) 2019 Mon, 27 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Transeuntismo retribuido en la zona centro de Zaragoza <p>Reseña de observación sistematizada en contacto directo con la realidad, relativa a las alternativas económicas informa­ les desarrolladas en la calle por individuos y grupos sociales urbanos, cifrando su identificación, los comportamientos más extendidos y las técnicas más utilizadas.</p> Florencio García Madrigal, Asunción Pablo Bernal, Damaris Fontanet Mayoral, María Guillén Sanz Copyright (c) 2019 Fri, 24 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 La regla en la teoría de la práctica de Pierre Bourdieu <p>Frente a un análisis de las prácticas sociales en términos de reglas (implícitas y explícitas), la teoría de la práctica de Pierre Bourdieu apuesta por un análisis en términos de <em>habitus. </em>Ello obliga, desde un punto de vista socio-jurídico, a replantear la eficacia específica, y específicamente simbólica, de los sistemas normativos (como el derecho) en la configuración de las prácticas y de la estructura social.</p> Andrés García Inda Copyright (c) 2019 Fri, 24 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 La extensión del modelo de participación de los sindicatos <h1>Los sindicatos cuentan con un modelo muy completo de participación en las tareas públicas que puede servir de guía para articular la colaboración de los poderes públicos con otros diferentes grupos sociales organizados.</h1> José María Nasarre Sarmiento Copyright (c) 2019 Fri, 24 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 ¿Crisis del estado de bienestar? <h3>El estado de bienestar hace aguas, en España y en todos los países donde existe. Los gastos sociales se incrementan constantemente, mientras que la recaudación fiscal permanece estable, cuando no decrece...</h3> <p>El "modelo" español, por otra parte, está muy politizado e instrumentalizado electoralmente: pensiones no contributivas, plan de empleo rural, etc.</p> <p>Se hace necesario, incluso imprescindible, recortar los gastos sociales. Económicamente el actual estado de bienestar -o de beneficencia, según se mire-, es imposible de mantener.</p> Ramiro Grau Morancho Copyright (c) 2019 Fri, 24 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Trabajo a tiempo parcial: incidencias <p>Se realiza en este trabajo una reflexión sobre la ocupación a tiempo parcial en España y en otros países de nuestro entorno, partiendo de aspectos generales de carácter social y político. Estudiando los aspectos más críticos de la regulación de este contrato. Analizando: concepto, características, motivaciones, género, así como los argumentos de las organizaciones patronales, sindicales y poderes públicos en relación a la introducción de esta figura.</p> Margarita García Díaz, Gloria Hidalgo Rúa, M.ª Teresa Solas Picó Copyright (c) 2019 Fri, 24 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Realidades demográficas actuales <p>Las evoluciones demográficas son continuamente objeto de reflexiones, estudios y reuniones a nivel internacional como la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Población y Desarrollo, celebrada en El Cairo en Septiembre de 1994. Este artículo propone aportar elementos de reflexión sobre las realidades específicas en el campo de la población.</p> Jesús Manuel Urbez Garcia Copyright (c) 2019 Fri, 24 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 El medio ambiente y la contabilidad <p>El deterioro del medio ambiente es uno de los problemas que más preocupa a la sociedad moderna. Cada vez resulta más evidente la importancia que tiene la implantación en las distintas unidades económicas de un sistema de información y control relativo a la gestión medioambiental que permita reflejar los resultados habidos en este ámbito. La Contabilidad medioambiental o Contabilidad verde suministra información a terceros sobre el impacto ecológico de la actividad económica de una determinada empresa.</p> Carlos Javier Sanz Santolaria Copyright (c) 2019 Fri, 24 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Conflictividad laboral: la huelga. <p>Desde una perspectiva sociológica se analizan las huelgas como manifestación más palpable de la conflictividad laboral (uno de los tipos de conflicto social) y como realidad más conectada con lo jurídico, lo social y lo económico. Por tanto, se trata de dejar constancia de las relaciones existentes entre las huelgas y la realidad española del siglo XX, analizando más intensamente lo ocurrido en la segunda mitad de los años 80, donde ya se apreciaban los efectos de las políticas de reforma y liberalización del mercado de trabajo.</p> Montserrat Navarrete Lorenzo, Esther Puyal Español Copyright (c) 2019 Fri, 24 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000 El movimiento estudiantil en España <p>En un artículo anterior se estableció un marco teórico desde el cual analizar el cambio ocurrido en el movimiento estudiantil en general. En este, se trata de aplicarlo a veinte años de la historia de España; veinte años plagados de cambios: de la dictadura franquista a la democracia, del aislamiento a la incorporación a la OTAN y a la participación en Europa, de los años del desarrollo económico a la crisis, y vuelta a la bonanza,... Todos estos cambios han incidido de un modo u otro en los cambios del movimiento estudiantil en España.</p> Montserrat Navarrete Lorenzo Copyright (c) 2019 Montserrat Navarrete Lorenzo Fri, 24 May 2019 00:00:00 +0000