New Trends in Audiovisual Translation: The Latest Challenging Models
audiovisual translation, screen translation, audiovisual translation modes, audiovisual translation types, dubbing, subtitlingAbstract
Audiovisual translation (AVT) plays a key role in the media society. Despite AVT’s long established practice, theoretical research has not been thoroughly carried out until recently. AVT may adopt a wide variety of AVT types: some of them are long established, such as dubbing or subtitling, but others are more challenging, such as audio description or surtitling. This article aims at describing the AVT modes present in our society nowadays —including those which are still undergoing development— and it also provides further reading for a more comprehensive analysis. Thus, seventeen types will be described: dubbing, subtitling, voice over, interpreting, surtitling, free commentary, partial dubbing, narration, simultaneous translation, live subtitling, subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing, audio description, script translation, animation, multimedia translation, double versions, and remakes. As well as their main characteristics and differences, the reasons for the emergence of these new AVT modes will be discussed and a final remark for future research will be made.
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