Neuro-occlusal stimulation, a crucial effect on the asymmetric development of the paediatric stomatognathic system.

A 3D morphological and insilico study.


  • Javier Ortún-Terrazas
  • Michael J. Fagan Medical and Biological Engineering, School of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Hull, Hull, United Kingdom
  • Jose Cegoñino Group of Biomaterials, Aragon Institute of Engineering Research (I3A)
  • Amaya Pérez del Palomar Group of Biomaterials, Aragon Institute of Engineering Research (I3A)



A statistical study of the relationship between the neuro-occlusal stimulus produced in paediatric patients with unilateral bitting and the abnormal stomatognathic system growth is proposed to improve early treatments and avoid surgical treatments later in life. Therefore, 3D morphological and finite element analyses were performed to study malformations and function imbalances, respectively.


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Author Biography

Javier Ortún-Terrazas

PhD student at Department of Mechanical Engineering



How to Cite

Ortún-Terrazas, J., Fagan, M. J., Cegoñino, J., & Pérez del Palomar, A. (2019). Neuro-occlusal stimulation, a crucial effect on the asymmetric development of the paediatric stomatognathic system.: A 3D morphological and insilico study. Jornada De Jóvenes Investigadores Del I3A, 7.