Production of fuel bioethanol from the mucilaginous residue of CCN-51 cocoa and its simulation in Aspen Plus®.


  • Jorge Washington Delgado Noboa Universidad Cuenca, Departamento de Química Aplicada y Sistemas de Producción (dQUIMPROd), Grupo de Catálisis, Separaciones Moleculares e Ingeniería de Reactores (CREG)
  • Jaime Soler Grupo de Catálisis, Separaciones Moleculares e Ingeniería de Reactores (CREG)
  • José ´Ángel Peña Grupo de Catálisis, Separaciones Moleculares e Ingeniería de Reactores (CREG)



The residual biomass has not been fully valued and used in Ecuador from the energy point of view, an example of this is the cocoa mucilage which is currently a waste without useful and profitable use. However, it represents a high energy potential in the production of fuel bioethanol.
The objective of this study was to simulate the production of fuel bioethanol from the CCN-51 cocoa mucilage residue using the Aspen Plus® program.


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How to Cite

Delgado Noboa, J. W., Soler, J., & Peña, J. ´Ángel. (2020). Production of fuel bioethanol from the mucilaginous residue of CCN-51 cocoa and its simulation in Aspen Plus®. Jornada De Jóvenes Investigadores Del I3A, 8.