Assessment of atmospheric air pollution in Himalaya through simultaneous determination of oxidation PAHs products using lichens as bioindicators
The method has implied the DSASE extraction with toluene as solvent; the SPE as clean-up step using NH2 cartridge and GC-MS ion trap system was used as detection method in chemical ionization mode. The final concentrations were around 7.694 to 0.833 μg g-1 for oxoPAHs and 1.627 to 0.332 μg g-1 for nitroPAHsDescargas
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Cómo citar
Rosero-Moreano, M., Andrés, E., Domeño, C., & Nerín, C. (2014). Assessment of atmospheric air pollution in Himalaya through simultaneous determination of oxidation PAHs products using lichens as bioindicators. Jornada De Jóvenes Investigadores Del I3A, 1, 74–75.
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