Algunas consideraciones sobre la propuesta de análisis de la cohesión léxica de M. Hoey
Hoey's lexical cohesion model, internal organization of texts, identification and classification of lexical repetitionsAbstract
M. Hoey’s (1991) lexical cohesion model offers useful tools for analyzing the internal organization of texts by means of the identification of their lexical connections. Based on previous research on the applicability of the method, this paper will try to provide an insight into its intricacies and, at the same time, explore some formal aspects which seem to need some revision. Although a very valid means for describing textual patterns and not an end in itself, the initial stage of the method, the identification and classification of lexical repetitions, poses practical problems concerning ellipsis, substitution or co-reference and, within the latter, specifically, the analysis of textual elements. Other practical aspects such as the treatment of cataphora or the use of artifacts such as the link triangle are also dealt with.
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