The Effectiveness of the Word Association Test and the Pathfinder in Measuring Lexical Learning of English as a Foreign Language


  • María Jesús Sánchez Universidad de Salamanca



Word Association Test, Pathfinder, English, foreign languge, learning


In the present paper, the aim is to find out, using the Pretest-Posttest design, whether the Word Association Test (WAT) and Pathfinder methods (Schvaneveldt et al. 1985; Schvaneveldt 1990) are able to measure lexical knowledge of English as a foreign language. Two different types of tasks were proposed. In one task subjects had to write down semantically related terms. In the other, subjects had to make a judgement about the relationship between pairs of words. The first test was evaluated with a scoring system; the second with the Pathfinder algorithm. The results obtained confirm that both methods can be used in the assessment of lexical knowledge.


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How to Cite

María Jesús Sánchez. (2001). The Effectiveness of the Word Association Test and the Pathfinder in Measuring Lexical Learning of English as a Foreign Language. Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, 23, 99–109.



ARTICLES: Language and linguistics