El proceso de captación racional y su expresión léxica en inglés y español


  • Natividad Fernández de Bobadilla Lara Universidad de Granada




The aim of this paper is to delimitate and structure the lexical dimension which encompasses the mental process of "rational grasp" (within the semantic field of "cognition"). For this purpose, a contrastive analysis of the English (Ll) and Spanish (L2) verbal lexemes that belong to the core of this semantic domain is canied out at both syntagmatic and paradigmatic levels including semantic and syntactic information for each predicate. The study is viewed from a functional-lexematic perspective (L. Martin Mingorance), which integrates two descriptive models: Structural Lexematics (E. Coseriu and H. Geckeler) and Functional Grammar (S. C. Dik). This type of analysis entails two stages-intralingual and interlingual-in order to point out the main differences and similarities among the predicates at both levels.


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How to Cite

Fernández de Bobadilla Lara, N. (1997). El proceso de captación racional y su expresión léxica en inglés y español. Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, 18, 89–114. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_misc/mj.199711287


