International trade in the Global South. Hierarchies, connections, and groupings through social network analysis


  • Elkin Argiro Muñoz-Arroyave Universidad del Quindío (Colombia)
  • Alexandra López-Martínez Tecnológico de Antioquia (Colombia)
  • Luis David Marín-Zapata Tecnológico de Antioquia (Colombia)
  • Alejandro Zapata-Ortiz Tecnológico de Antioquia (Colombia)



analysis of social networks, international trade, Global South, international trade theories, Latin America


International trade can be a source of resources for developing countries; however, it is essential to analyse the trade partners that are accessed. Thus, the objective of the article is to analyse the social networks made up of international trade between the countries of the Global South and the way in which Latin America can take advantage of these opportunities for its development. A quantitative methodology based on the social network analysis technique is used. It is concluded that the network is marked by the geographical proximity between the countries of the Global South; likewise, Latin America has an incipient process of economic integration that could be further exploited, as well as expanding its participation in the markets of the Global South.


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How to Cite

Muñoz-Arroyave, E. A., López-Martínez, A., Marín-Zapata, L. D., & Zapata-Ortiz, A. (2023). International trade in the Global South. Hierarchies, connections, and groupings through social network analysis. Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 12(2), 170–191.


