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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • La petición no ha sido publicada previamente, ni se ha presentado a otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación en Comentarios al editor).
  • El fichero enviado está en formato Microsoft Word o, en caso de que el artículo contenga diagramas o signos especiales, se ha de enviar también una versión en formato PDF.
  • Se han añadido direcciones web para las referencias donde ha sido posible.
  • El texto tiene interlineado simple; la fuente es Garamond; el tamaño de fuente es 12 puntos; se usa cursiva en vez de subrayado (exceptuando las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas están dentro del texto en el sitio que les corresponde y no al final del todo.
  • El texto cumple con los requisitos bibliográficos y de estilo indicados en las Normas para autoras/es, que se pueden encontrar en Acerca de la revista.
  • Si esta enviando a una sección de la revista que se revisa por pares, tiene que asegurase que las instrucciones en Asegurando de una revisión a ciegas) han sido seguidas.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Authors should send their manuscripts through the Análisis web platform, following the instructions that appear there. The submitted works must be original, i.e.: not already published. All of them will undergo a double blind review procedure. Authors who wish to propose to Analysis the publication of a manuscript must send an electronic version of it in WORD format. If the article contains diagrams or special signs, a PDF version must also be sent.

The maximum length of articles will be 10,000 words including bibliography and footnotes. The maximum length of critical notes will be 3,000 words. The reviews will be 2,000 words. The preferable characteristics in all cases will be: Garamond font, 12 points, line spacing: 1.0. The text must be prepared to be reviewed anonymously. All articles must be preceded by a summary, in Spanish and English, of no more than 200 words, as well as a short list of five key words in Spanish and English. Likewise, the title of the article must appear in Spanish and in English.

References must conform to the following system:

• References will appear, in general, in the body of the text (not in a footnote), and in parentheses. The parentheses inserted in the text will collect the author's last name, the year of publication, two points and the page number, as in this example: (Tugendhat 1993: 52).

• When quoting a work already mentioned, proceed as follows: when in the same paragraph the same work and the same page are cited: (Ibid.); when in the same paragraph the same work is cited but different page: (Id. 62)

• At the end of the work a section titled Bibliography will be included in which the list will appear, ordered alphabetically by the authors' surnames, of the works cited, following this model:


Habermas, J. (1988): Nachmetaphysisches Denken, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.

Book chapter:

Máiz, R. (2002): "Karl Marx: de la superación del Estado a la dictadura delproletariado", en F. Vallespín (ed.), Historia de la Teoría Política, vol.4, Madrid: Alianza, pp. 101-160.


Granada, M. A. (1994): "Agostino Steuco y la perennis philosophia", Daimon, n.º 8, pp. 23-38.

Web page:

Bowie, A., "Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2010 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = Consultado el 20-12-2013.


Manuscripts should be sent following the online instructions on this page. In case of technical problems you can send an email with the subject "Article" to the email address or to the address

As far as possible, the journal Análisis will try to adopt a decision on manuscripts received within a maximum period of 3 months.



The journal supports research in all areas of philosophical knowledge. Submitted papers must be original, that is, they must not have already been published. All of them will undergo a double blind review procedure. The maximum length of the articles will be 10,000 words including bibliography and footnotes.

Critic and Debate

This section publishes articles focused on one or two works by an author or on a narrow topic, usually approached from a critical perspective. The maximum length of the critical notes published in this section will be 3,000 words.


This section publishes interesting documents for the history of philosophy.

Book Reviews

This section publishes recent book reviews. Maximum length: 2000 words.

Privacy Statement

Los nombres y direcciones de correo-e introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por esta revista y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona.