French Feminists and Anglo-Irish Modernist: Cixous, Kristeva, Beckett and Joyce
This essay discusses the importance ascribed to the work of Samuel Beckett and James Joyce by two major French feminists: the philosopher and psychoanaJyst Julia Kristeva and the creative writer and philosopher Helene Cixous. An introductory section gives a short account of the controversy in English feminist academia over the importance attributed to the founding fathers of modernism, which does not appear to have arisen in the French feminist tradition. In Joyce and Beckett, Cixous and Kristeva have acknowledged imaginative models that developed their understanding of the socio-political structures that operate through the family and through language, through deep processes of repression, lo construct individual subjects, male or femaJe. These writers helped shape their perception of the extent to which the Law of the Father is the organising structure of society and its language. And most of all, they have stimulated reflection on the possibility of a language in which to think and talk differently about such things, with the intention of changing them: a language that might subvert patriarchaJ discourse.
BEN-ZVI, Linda, ed. Women in Beckett: Performance and Critical Perspectives Urbana: University of Illinois P, 1990.
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CIXOUS, Helene. 1968a. L'Exil de James Joyce au l'art du remplacement. Paris: Grasset.
---. 1968b. The Exile of James ]Dyce. Trans. Sally A. J. Purcell. London: John Calder (Also published in New York: David Lewis, 1972).
---. 1974. Prenoms de personne. Paris: Seuil.
---. 1975. ''Le Rire de la Meduse." L'Arc (Simone de Beauvoir) 61: 39-54.
---. 1976h. "Une passion, l'un peu mains que den." In Bishop and Federman 1976: 326-335.
---. 1981. "The Laughter of Medusa." In New French Feminisms. Ed. Elaine Marks and Isabelle de Courtivron. Brighton: Harvester.
---. 1983. Le Livre de Promethea. Paris·. Gallimard.
---. 1986a. "Freincipe de plaisir au paradoxe perdu. "First published in Temps de la refiexion 4 (1983): 427-33. Rpt. in Cixous 1986c: 99-112.
---. 1986b. "La Missexualite: oil jouis-je?" First published in Poitique 26 (1976): 240-9. Rpt. in Cixous 1986c: 75-95.
---. 1986c. Entre l'Ecriture. Paris: Editions des femmes.
CIXOUS, Helene, and Catherine CLEMENT. 1975. La Jeune Nie (Paris: Union Generale d'Editions.
---. 1986. The Newly Born Woman. Trans. Betsy w·ing. Manchester: Manchester UP.
ELLMANN, Mary. 1968. Thinking about Women. New York: Harcourt.
FRENCH, Marilyn. 1975. The Book as World. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP.
GILBERT, Sandra M., and Susan GUBAR. 1988-94. No Man's Land: The Place of the Woman Writer in the Twentieth Centwy. 3 vols. New Haven: Yale UP.
GREER, Germaine. 1995. Slipshod Sibyls: Recognition, Rejection and the Woman Poet. London: Viking.
HENKE, Suzette, and Elaine UNKELESS, eds. 1982. Women in Joyce. Brighton: Harvester.
JAMESON, Storm. 1950. "The Form of the Novel." In Jameson, The Writer's Situation and other Essays. London: Macmillan.
KANE, Leslie. 1989. "The Way Out, the Way In: Paths to Self in the Plays of Marsha Norman." In Feminine Focus: The New Women Playwrights. Ed. Enoch Brater. New York: Oxford UP.
KRISTEVA, Julia. 1969. Semiiotiki: Recherches pour une simanalyse. Pans: Seuil.
---. 1974. La Rivolution du langage poetique: L'avant-garde a la fin du XIXe siecle: Lautdamont et Mallarme. Paris: Seuil.
---. 1977. Polylogue. Paris: Seuil.
---. 1980a. "The Father, Love, and Banishment." First published as 'Le Pere, l'amour, l'exil," in Bishop and Federman 1976: 246-52; rpt. in Kristeva 1977: 137-47. Trans. in Kristeva 1980e: 148-58.
---. 1980b. "Prom One Identily to An Olhcr." First published as "D'une identité l'autre." Tel Quel 62 (Summer 1975); rpt. in Kristeva 1977: 149-72. Trans. in Kristeva 1980e: 124-47.
---. 1980c. "How Does One Speak to Literature?" First published as "Comment parler a la litterature?" Tel Quel 47 (Autumn 1971); tpt. in Kristcva 1977: 23-54. Trans. in Kristeva 1980e: 92-123.
---. 1980d. "Word, Dialogue and Novel". First published as "Le Mat, le dialogue et le roman." 1966. Rpt. in Kristeva 1969: 82-112. Trans. in Kristeva 1980e: 64-91.
---. 1980e. Desire in Language: A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art Ed. Leon S. Roudiez. Trans. Thomas Gora, Alice Jardine, and Leon S. Roudiez. New York: Columbia UP; Oxford: Dlackwell.
---. 1980f. Pouvoirs de l'horreur. Essai sur l'abjection. Paris: Seuil.
---. 1984. Revolution in Poetic Language. Trans. Margaret Walker. Introd. Leon S. Roudicz. New York: Columbia UP.
LERNOUT, Geert. 1990. The French Joyce. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P.
LOY, Mina. 1990. "Joyce's illysses." In The Last Lunar Baedeker. Ed. Roger L. Conover. Highlands (NC): .Jargon Society, 1982, 20-22. Rpt. in Scott 1990: 248-9.
PYKETT, Lyn. 1995. Engendering Fictions: The English Novel in the Early Twentieth Century. London: Arnold.
RICHARDSON, Dorothy. 1990. "Adventure for Readers." Life and Letters 22 (July 1939): 45-52. Rpt. in Scott 1990: 425-9.
RIMBAUD, Arthur. 1966. Poesies Completes. Paris: Gallimard.
ROUGHLEY, Alan. 1991. James Joyce and Critical Theo1y: An Introduction. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatshcaf.
SCHIACH, Morag. 1991. Helene Cixous: A Politics of Writing. London: Routledge.
SCOTT, Bonnie Kime. 1984. Joyce and Feminism. Brighton: Harvester, 1984.
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---., ed. 1990. The Gender of Modernism. Bloomington: Indiana UP.
WOOLF, Virginia. 1990. Reading notes for "Modem Novels," Times Literary Supplement, April 10, 1919. Rpt. in Scott 1990: 642-5.
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