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Author Guidelines


How to contribute

Contributions, in English or Spanish, should neither be published nor being considered for publication elsewhere.

The recommended length for articles is 6,000 to 8,000 words.

Authors are expected to upload their anonymous manuscritpt on the journal webpage.

An abstract of no more than 200 words should also be provided, together with five key words and a translation into Spanish when possible.

Non-discriminatory language should be endorsed throughout manuscripts, making use of inclusive expressions and avoiding gender and racist-biased references.

Authors are encouraged to indicate whether the research data used in their studies take sex and/or gender into account in order to identify possible differences that may result from it.

Authors should consult and follow our journal’s Code of Ethics before submitting their manuscript.

Reviews are also accepted of books that are of general interest in the field of English studies and that have been published within the last four years (recommended length: 1,500 words). They should not only be a mere description of the contents of the book, but should also provide an explanation of its contribution to the field within which it belongs. Reviews will also be refereed.

There will be no restrictions placed on authors’ use of their material for reprints or other publications as long as their first publication is acknowledged. Articles and reviews will  be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) 

General format and style guide

All manuscripts should follow the style guidelines of the 7th edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) Style unless otherwise specified.

The following norms should be taken into account:

  • Keywords should be written in lower case, unless they are proper nouns and they need to be separated by a comma (not a semicolon). A full stop needs to be included at the end.
  • Endnotes, which should appear before the Works Cited list, should be as few and short as possible, and their corresponding numbers in the main text should be typed as superscripts.
  • Additional comments should appear in between long dashes: (—) rather than (-); —this is an example—, leaving no spaces in between the dashes and the text within them.
  • There should be no full stops after interrogation and exclamation marks.
  • Inverted commas should never appear after punctuation marks (e.g. “this is correct”, but “this isn’t.”).
  • Current (CG Times or Times New Roman) typefaces should be used, and special symbols should be avoided as much as possible.
  • “&” should be avoided whenever possible.
  • Generally speaking, punctuation and orthography should be coherent (British or American style) all through the article. For example: “emphasise/recognise” rather than “emphasize/recognise”; “colour/colour” rather than “colour/color”.
  • Authors are encouraged to divide their articles into entitled subsections.
  • In the case of co-authored articles, the specific contribution of each author will be indicated in the manuscript. This section will be added before the Works Cited list.
  • Funding agency/agencies and project code(s) should be indicated in the Acknowledgements section (not as an endnote) and should be placed before Endnotes.


Double quotation marks should be used for citations. Single quotes may be used to draw attention to a particular item in the text. Italics are used for foreign words, or for emphasis. References in the text to publications should include the author’s surname, the year of publication, and, if necessary, page numbers, as in the following examples:

As Bachelard claims, while past memories are important, “all really inhabited space bears the essence of the notion of home” (2004: 5, emphasis added), which raises a question about the quality of living.

According to Shaw, the works belonging to this genre are concerned with either reflecting imaginatively, responding directly or dealing with the socio-cultural, economic and racial consequences that followed the UK’s exit from the European Union (2021: 4).

…language always fulfils three communicative functions (Jewitt et al. 2016).

…this idea has been rejected by several authors (Reger 2017; Evans 2015; Cochrane 2013).

As Suárez Orozco suggests …. (in Inda 2014: 34).

Should part of the original text be omitted, this will be made clear by inserting […], NOT (…).

Should the emphasis be in the original text, this will be explicitly indicated as “emphasis in original”. Should the emphasis be added by the author, “my emphasis” should be added: (Bordwell 2006: 73, emphasis in original).

Bibliographical references

Bibliographical references should be included in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript and under the heading Works Cited. All references used should be included and not more.

Authors’ full first names should be used unless the authors themselves customarily use only initials. Set the author’s surname(s) in small caps (e.g. Joyce, neither Joyce nor JOYCE).

References to two or more works by the same author in a single year should be accompanied by a lower-case a, b, etc. after the year of publication, both in the reference list and in citations in the text. If two works by the same author are cited, but in one of them there is a second author, the latter will go after.


Hyland, Ken. 2017a. “Metadiscourse: What is it and Where is it Going?” Journal of Pragmatics 113: 16-29.

Hyland, Ken. 2017b. “English in the Discipline: Arguments for Specificity”. ESP Today 5 (1): 5-23.

Hyland, Ken and Feng Kevin Jiang. 2021. “‘Our Striking Results Demonstrate…’: Persuasion and the Growth of Academic Hype”. Journal of Pragmatics 182: 189-202. <>.


References to books should include the place of publication and the publisher’s name, and references to articles in journals should include volume, issue number (if necessary) and page numbers. Titles of books and journals will be written in italics. Titles of articles and of book chapters will be placed in double inverted commas. Content words of English titles should be capitalised. 

The DOI should be included for all references that have it (see


Nagel, James. 2015. The American Short Story Handbook. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.

Leonard, Suzanne. 2014. “Escaping the Recession? The New Vitality of the Woman Worker”. In Negra, Diane and Yvonne Tasker (eds.) Gendering the Recession: Media and Culture in an Age of Austerity. Durham and London: Duke U.P.: 31-58. <>.

Lu, Xiaofei. 2011. “A Corpus-Based Evaluation of Syntactic Complexity Measures as Indices of College-Level ESL Writers’ Language Development”. TESOL Quarterly 45 (1): 36-62. <>.

Morris, Regan. 2018. “Is #meToo Changing Hollywood?”. BBC News (March). <>. Accessed March 18, 2022.

Ross, Matt. 2016. Captain Fantastic. Electric City Entertainment.

Atwood, Margaret. 2017. El cuento de la criada. Trans. E. Mateo. Barcelona: Salamandra.


For further details on how to cite bibliographical references click here.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it being considered for publication in another journal or edited volume.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format and has been anonymised.
  • I have read and agree on the journal Code of Ethics.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which are detailed in the About section.
  • I made an inclusive use of the language in my manuscript following the journal guidelines ensuring non-discriminatory writing practices.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.