
About the Journal

Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies (University of Zaragoza, Department of English and German Philology) is a biannual journal offering academic articles and reviews on English and American studies including literature, language and linguistics, cultural studies and film studies. The journal was awarded a Quality Seal for Excellence of scientific journals, granted by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), a scientific body pertaining to the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Competitiveness, in 2016, and it was renewed until July 2025. 
ISSN 1137-6368
ISSN-e 2386-4834
DOI  10.26754/ojs_misc/

The journal is published by Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza

IMPORTANT NOTICE: For volumes 1 to 22 (published between 1980 and 2000), please go to https://www.miscelaneajournal.net/index.php/misc/issue/archive 

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Vol. 70 (2024)
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Published: 2024-12-16

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A Journal of English and American Studies

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Silvia Pellicer Ortín (literature, film and cultural studies). University of Zaragoza
Pilar Mur Dueñas (language and linguistics). University of Zaragoza
Oana Maria Carciu (reviews). University of Zaragoza
e-mail: miscelanea@unizar.es
Ignacio Palacios Martínez. University of Santiago de Compostela
Marta Cerezo Moreno. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
María Ferrández San Miguel. University of Zaragoza.
Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 
Universidad de Zaragoza
50009 Zaragoza - Spain
tel. 976761538 / fax 976761519
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