State of the Art in Language Testing: Ten Years of History or How to Deal with Assessment


  • Honesto Herrera Soler Universidad Complutense de Madrid



A follow-up of the ten-year Language Testing (LT) history is canied out in this study. Our aim is to give a broad idea of what has been done in this Journal and whether or not it has been the forum for the assessment of language ability it intended to be over this period. Firstly we take the 1984 issues as a key moment in the ten-year history of LT, since they provide the route map to be followed and developed in subsequent issues. Then, attention is paid to the articles on Item Response Theory (IRT), a thread that runs through this whole journal, and to the research on TOEFL, which is seen as a second thread running through the texture of LT. Finally, contributions on authenticity, self-assessment, extralinguistic factors and testing techniques are considered. On the whole, it can be concluded that the range of topics discussed over these ten years make up the real state of the art in language testing.


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DE MAURO, G. 1992. "Examination of the Relationships among TSE, TWE and TOEFL Scores." LT 9: 149-162. DOI:

DEKEYSER, R. 1990. "Towards a Valid Measurement of Monitored Knowledge." LT 7: 147-157. DOI:

DORNYEI, Z., and L. KATONA. 1992. "Validation of the C-test amongst Hungarian EFL Learners." LT 9: 187-206. DOI:

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HALE, G. A. 1988. "Student Major Field and Text Content: Interactive Bffects on Reading Comprehension in the Test of English as a Foreign Language." LT 5: 49-61. DOI:

HALE, G. A., et al. 1989. "The Relation of Multiple-choice Cloze Items to the Test of English as a Foreign Language." LT 6: 47-76. DOI:

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HAUGHTON, D., and L. DICKINSON. 1988. "Collaborative Assessment by Marking Candidates in a Tutor Based System." LT 5: 233-249. DOI:

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HUDSON, T. 1993. "Surrogate Indices for Item Information Functions in Criterion-Referenced Language Testing." LT 10: 171-192. DOI:

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KLEIN-BRALEY, C. 1985. "A Cloze-Up on the C-Test: A Study in the Construct Validation of Authentic Tests." LT 2: 76-104 DOI:

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KRZANOWSKI, W. J., and A. WooDs. 1984. "Statistical Aspects of Reliability in Language Testing." LT 1: 1-20 DOI:

KOKKOTA, V. 1988. "Letter Deletion Procedure: a Flexible Way of Reducing Text Redundancy." LT 5: 111-126. DOI:

LADO, R. 1986. "Analysis of Native Speaker Performance on a Cloze Test." LT 3. DOI:

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OSCARSSON, M. 1989. "Self-assessment of Language Proficiency: Rationale and Application." LT 6: 1-13. DOI:

PERKINS, K., and L. D. MILLER. 1984. *Comparative Analyses on Item Responses." LT 1: 21-32. DOI:

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THEUNISSEN, T. J. J, M. 1987. "Text Banking and Test Design." LT 4: 1-27. DOI:

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How to Cite

Herrera Soler, H. (1997). State of the Art in Language Testing: Ten Years of History or How to Deal with Assessment. Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, 18, 115–137.


