Le voyage et le rêve dans "Un capitaine de quinze ans" de Jules Verne


  • Zamfira Cernăuțan (lauric) Université « Ștefan cel Mare », Suceava, Roumanie




Abstract: We propose in this article to study and analyse the concepts of journey and dream in Jules Verne's work, particularly by looking at one of his novels of Extraordinary Voyages namely A Captain at Fifteen which appeared in 1878. Firstly, we are going to clarify the concepts of journey and dream in Jules Verne's work, and secondly, we will analyse structures and elements by means of which Jules Verne's work and especially A Captain at Fifteen can be interpreted as a dream journey. Finally, to reach relevant conclusions, we will show that the journey of the hero of the novel, the dream to travel safely to an unknown destination are accomplished.

Key words: Jules Verne, A Captain at Fifteen, journey, dream, formation.


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How to Cite

Cernăuțan (lauric), Z. (2019). Le voyage et le rêve dans "Un capitaine de quinze ans" de Jules Verne. Ondina - Ondine, (2), 100–109. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_ondina/ond.201822864
Received 2018-06-01
Accepted 2019-03-15
Published 2019-03-15