Philanthrocapitalism and Development: a case study on the fight against poliomyelitis


  • Juan José Mediavilla-Merino Departamento de Sociología y Trabajo Social, Universidad de Valladolid



Philanthropy, Philanthrocapitalism, International Development Cooperation, Public-Private Partnerships for Development (PPPD)


he philanthropic activities of major foundations have made a significant importance in recent decades in International Development Cooperation. In a global economic perspective, philanthropic foundations work in areas that formerly belonged to the State. This loss of social policies by the State and the pursuit of a global strategy for development have promoted the growth of these organizations. Public-Private Partnerships for Development are, in most cases, the innovative way they choose for their funding, using the distribution of risks and benefits. We are witness of a form of philanthropy in which philanthropists are motivated not only a desire altruistic, but is seeking projects that are beneficial.


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How to Cite

Mediavilla-Merino, J. J. (2015). Philanthrocapitalism and Development: a case study on the fight against poliomyelitis. Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 4(2), 24–49.


