Limits of the logic framework and deficiencies of the traditional evaluation in cooperation for development to asses impact


  • María José Vázquez-De-Francisco Fundación ETEA para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación. Universidad Loyola Andalucía
  • Mercedes Torres-Jiménez Jefa del Departamento de Matemáticas e Ingeniería
  • Pedro Caldentey-Del-Pozo Fundación ETEA para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación. Universidad Loyola Andalucía



cooperation, impact, effectiveness, evaluation


Measuring impact has traditionally been the weakest step in the traditional evaluation of aid, because of its costs, methodologies, time and difficulties in attributing effects. But this exercise is necessary both in technical and moral terms, especially for those benefitting from the aid. 
The use of a logical framework as the most accepted tool for aid management has not helped in impact measuring, which is a revealing reflection of aid effectiveness. It is precisely those international commitments for aid effectiveness that highlight the limitations of traditional evaluation practices.
This paper intends to reflect upon those limits through a systematic academic review, and will propose a conceptual revision of impact evaluation indicator.


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How to Cite

Vázquez-De-Francisco, M. J., Torres-Jiménez, M., & Caldentey-Del-Pozo, P. (2015). Limits of the logic framework and deficiencies of the traditional evaluation in cooperation for development to asses impact. Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 4(2), 80–105.


