The Policy Coherence for Development Index: measuring the Agenda 2030 from the policy coherence for development perspective


  • Pablo José Martínez-Osés Colectivo La Mundial
  • María Luisa Gil-Payno Economistas sin Fronteras y Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia



policy coherence for development, Agenda 2030, indicators


The article presents the Policy Coherence for Development Index (PCDI) which is, as a whole, a new framework for understanding and interpreting the challenges of the Agenda 2030 and the public policies its approach requires. It provides also an ambitious monitoring system to assess countries’ compliance with the agreed commitments from the policy coherence for development perspective.

Previously, the article exposes how the 2030 Agenda requires a new conceptual and instrumental framework in order to consolidate a new narrative about the development challenges based on the universality, integrality and multidimensionality, including also the global interdependencies and interconnections that characterize today’s world. This framework must also provide a solid measurement of progress and setbacks regarding the Sustainable Development Goals and targets internationally agreed.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Osés, P. J., & Gil-Payno, M. L. (2017). The Policy Coherence for Development Index: measuring the Agenda 2030 from the policy coherence for development perspective. Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 6(1), 102–127.



Special Issue