Latin American and the Caribbean and the Asian Century: A comparative analysis of Japan’s and China’s engagement with their Latin-American partners from an International Economic Law perspective


  • Gabriel García University of Wollongong (Australia)



Asian Century, Asia-Latin America, China, Japan, International Economic Law, Belt and Road Initiative, China-CELAC Forum


The Asian Century will commence in 2020 when Asia will produce more than half of the
global wealth. Latin America and the Caribbean do not seem adequately prepared to navigate
in this new global reality. This article aims to contribute with a better understanding of the role
played by Asia as promoter of economic development in Latin America and the Caribbean by
conducting a comparative analysis of the approaches used by Japan and China to engage with
the region. The study is conducted using an analytical framework borrowed from International
Economic Law. The main argument develops in this paper is that Japan has used formal or hard
law instruments to engage with the region. In contrast, China has employed an eclectic platform
that combines hard law instruments as well as soft law mechanisms, that allow the Asian giant
to interact with its Latin American and Caribbean partners in more direct ways and without the
interference of other global powers.


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How to Cite

García, G. . (2021). Latin American and the Caribbean and the Asian Century: A comparative analysis of Japan’s and China’s engagement with their Latin-American partners from an International Economic Law perspective. Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 10(1), 82–118.


