Commercial policy impact on furniture, shoes and clothing’s income and price elasticity in Argentina 2003-2015


  • Anahi Verónica Rampinini Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (Argentina)
  • Nicolás Hernán Zeolla Universidad Nacional de San Martin (Argentina)
  • Lisandro Mondino Centro de Investigación de los Trabajadores (Argentina)



Commercial Policy, international trade elasticities, DJAI, LNA, Argentina


The objective of this paper is to evaluate the impact of trade administration policy, particularly
Non-Automatic Licenses (LNA, Spanish initials) and the Anticipatory Imports Declaration (DJAI,
Spanish initials), on the price and income elasticities of imports into Argentina, based on customs
microdata, for the furniture, footwear and clothing sectors between 2003 and 2015. As a result
of the intensification of these measures in 2008, and subsequently in 2012, both the LNA and the
DJAI reduced the average elasticities for all affected sectors, from ‒1.13 to ‒0.2 in the case of price
elasticity and from 4 to 2.5 in the case of income elasticity. Structural change tests and projection of
alternative scenarios were run to give robustness to the estimate. This implies that the trade policy
measures implemented were effective instruments for moderating import growth in the recovery
phase of the economic cycle after the international crisis.


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How to Cite

Rampinini, A. V. ., Zeolla, N. H. ., & Mondino, L. (2021). Commercial policy impact on furniture, shoes and clothing’s income and price elasticity in Argentina 2003-2015. Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 10(1), 120–141.


