Planning Befriends Women: A Look of a Gender Responsive City in the Colombian

Recipient of the II SEGIB-AECID Award in Research on Sustainable Development in Ibero-America


  • Yancili Lozano-Torres Florida State University (USA)



gender responsive planning, local planning, gender equality-SDG 5, content analysis, Colombia


Gender is considered the most universal form of inequality. Therefore, a just and sustainable development cannot, and should not, be conceived without gender equality (GE), as recognized by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Several Latin American countries are making substantial progress in terms of critical aspects of GE. For Colombia, the path towards gender equality starts from nationwide mandatory laws to be implemented at the local level. In this study, it is used data collected for a Convergent Parallel Mixed Method to conduct a comprehensive assessment of efforts towards GE in Colombian municipalities. Data collected are employed from the municipal development plans (PDMs), cities’ websites, and archival material. In this paper, I mainly present the results of the qualitative phase that uses a Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA). Results indicate
that efforts towards GE in Colombian municipalities are portrayed through programs and initiatives to address the internationally recognized women’s agenda.


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How to Cite

Lozano-Torres, Y. . (2021). Planning Befriends Women: A Look of a Gender Responsive City in the Colombian : Recipient of the II SEGIB-AECID Award in Research on Sustainable Development in Ibero-America. Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 10(1), 310–336.



V International Conference on Development Studies