Economic opportunities for Mexican women from low socioeconomic status: results from a technical and life skills training program


  • Shaye S. Worthman Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico)
  • Adriana Rueda-Barrios Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico)



job training, economic empowerment, gender inequality, Mexico, Latin America


This study presents the outcomes of a technical and life-skills training program in Mexico aimed to help women from low socioeconomic status (SES) find formal employment in sales, retail, and/ or customer service. To determine the extent to which the program reached its target population and its impacts, researchers analyzed a national database of over sixty-eight thousand Mexican beneficiaries from 2016 to 2020 and conducted telephone surveys with a representative sample of women beneficiaries in Veracruz. Results from the national-level analysis of 5,326 women participants identified as low SES indicate that 23 % found better economic and educational opportunities. The state-level analysis of 94 low SES women in Veracruz was higher, with 40 % reporting to have found better opportunities; of those who reported salary information, roughly half improved their income. Lessons learned are discussed regarding reaching target populations and the potential of job training programs in developing countries.


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How to Cite

Worthman, S. S., & Rueda-Barrios, A. (2022). Economic opportunities for Mexican women from low socioeconomic status: results from a technical and life skills training program. Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 11(1), 182–202.


