Neology in the works of Julián Ríos


  • Javier Enríquez Serralde Escritor



lexical innovation, neologism, nonce-words, lexis, literary coinages, neology, word formation, nonsense, novel, narrative, larva midsummer, night's babel, quijote e hijos, puente de alma


Throughout history some writers have coined neologisms in their literary works for diverse creative purposes. Those authors had the ability to extend the linguistic system in a deliberate, motivated and unpredictable manner. Among these writers, one consummate representative is Julián Ríos. He departed from generic conventions and innovated literature in more than one way. This paper describes some of his inventive and highly creative multilingual neology.


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How to Cite

Enríquez Serralde, J. (2021). Neology in the works of Julián Ríos. Tropelías: Review of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, (8), 197–208.



Metamorphosis of writing