Leonid Tyulpa. The architect of the soviet period of mass industrial development


  • Alexander Bouryak Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine
  • Igor Lavrentiev
  • Nadiia Antonenko Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine




The design approach employed by Kharkiv-based architect Leonid Tyulpa evolved from the early 1950s to the late 1970s. The architect’s career reflected the state of the whole Soviet architectural design in the second half of the XX century. His creative work encompassed all the milestones of housing development practice in the country. L.Tyulpa’s career started in 1951-1956 with restoration design projects in cities damaged during WW II. The years between 1956 and 1958 marked a transitional stage when the architect broke with old design traditions. In the third stage of his career, L.Tyulpa embarked on developing a new practice of designing prefabricated housing, searching for economical and feasible design solutions (1958-1963), with Pavlovo Pole housing estate being a vivid example of this period. Starting from 1963 the principles of creating the so-called “micro-districts” were implemented into the old city tissue, leading to a comprehensive reconsideration of the city and its role. The final stage of his career saw the appearance of a totally new vast housing area in Kharkiv. It was Saltovskiy housing estate for 300,000 dwellers, which became the utmost manifestation of the modernist way of thinking.
KEYWORDS: Mass housing; postwar, micro-district; Soviet modernism; Tyulpa; Saltovskiy housing estate; Pavlovo Pole; Ukraine.


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Biografía del autor/a

Alexander Bouryak, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine

Alexander Bouryak. Sc.D. in Theory of Architecture, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture: Head of the Chair (from 1985), Professor (2009); supervision of nine Ph.D. thesis. Ukrainian Municipal Academy – full membership 1999. “Kharkiv Club” international NGO – member 1998, head of the board 2000, leader of the “Architectural Ambulance” International Project 2003. Ukrainian national chapter of DOCOMOMO International – Secretary General 2012.

Igor Lavrentiev

Igor Lavrentiev. Practical architect of Kharkiv branch of Kharkovproject Institute LLC from 1955 to 2012. Major works: master plan of Kharkov in 1986, the concept of development of Kharkov by 2005, detailed planning project of Kremenchug, districts of Kharkov and a number of projects for public and residential buildings.

Nadiia Antonenko, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine

Nadiia Antonenko. Practiced a designer and promoter of an exhibitions in Kharkiv Regional Organizing and Methodic Center of Culture and Arts from 2011 till 2014. Ph.D. student of the Department of Architectural Fundamentals from 2014. Subject of dissertation: Modern architecture monument in the architectural culture context of the second half of XX century.


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Cómo citar

Bouryak, A., Lavrentiev, I., & Antonenko, N. (2017). Leonid Tyulpa. The architect of the soviet period of mass industrial development. ZARCH, (8), 154–169. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.201782153



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