About the Journal

Focus and scope

Análisis is a philosophical journal open to all areas of philosophical investigation. The journal is aimed primarily at a university audience. From a thematic and methodological point of view it intends to be a space of encounter for Analytical and Continental philosophy, and also to include philosophical production in Spanish.


Peer Review Process
The journal Análisis applies the double-blind evaluation system. Whenever possible, all evaluators will be external to the publishing institution and to the home country of Análisis. Only if the evaluations are favorable, the editors of the journal make the decision to publish the article. If the evaluations are contradictory, the editors of the journal will turn to a third evaluator, or eventually resolve the tie themselves. Anonymous evaluations of articles are decisive for the publication of a manuscript: in no case will a text be published that has been negatively evaluated by two (or more) external evaluators. The evaluation process is anonymous and confidential. The editors will transmit to the author the observations of the referees that allow the manuscripts to be improved, but they will not reveal the identity of the referees.

Code of ethics and good practice:

Análisis invites editors, authors, and referees to read the specific codes of ethics for each function in order to understand the specific responsibilities involved in participating as editor, author, and referees.

For Authors

For Editors

For Referees

Frequency of publication

The journal Analysis. Philosophical research journal will be published with a periodicity of two issues (one volume) per year, one in July and the other in December. Each issue will be published in its entirety (no individual papers will be published before the issue is complete).

History of the magazine  
The magazine Análisis. Revista de Investigación Filosófica was born in 2014.



Analisis is financed with funds from the Department of Philosophy of the University of Zaragoza and with the financial support of the Vice-Rectorate for Scientific Policy.


Interoperability protocol
OAI-PMH https://papiro.unizar.es/ojs/index.php/analisis/oai 

Unless otherwise indicated, all contents of the electronic edition of the ARIF magazine are distributed under a license to use and distribute "Creative Commons Non-Commercial Non-Derivative Attribution 4.0 International" (CC BY NC ND 4.0).


ISSN (online): 2386-8066