Los múltiples rostros de la objetividad


  • David Macarthur Universidad de Zaragoza




In this paper I present a positive progressive picture of Putnam's philosophy. According

to this way of seeing things, Putnam is a normative cartographer of our linguistic

practices who has over time refined his understanding of the concepts of truth and

verification and their complex relationship from discourse to discourse. Looked at in

this way Putnam is primarily a philosopher of objective normativity, who explores

the various conceptions of objectivity with which we operate as well as resisting

the excesses of both metaphysics and skepticism which do violence to our ordinary

and scientific practices. However, Putnam sees himself as a philosopher of ‘reality’

focused on “the realism issue”, a metaphysically inflationary way of thinking that, I

argue, stands in the way of his deepest insights


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How to Cite

Macarthur, D. (2018). Los múltiples rostros de la objetividad. Analysis. Journal of Philosophical Research, 5(1), 91–109. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_arif/a.rif.201812918