Desarrollo local y patrimonio cultural. El parque cultural de Albarracín


  • Pascual Rubio Terrado



Territorial resources, local sustainable development, cultural patrimony, cultural park, cultural tourism.


The cultural patrimony derives from the collective behavoir of a people in a place and a time and forms a part consubstantially of the territorial dimension. It constitutes an example of endogenous resource to which an high potential place of development is awarded in the local scale, in a double dimension, economic, as agent and mercantile by means of its tourist utilization, and social, aselement of identity. In Aragon, the Law 12/1997 of Cultural Parks contributes a own normative frame for the management-protection of the cultural patrimony from the generic purpose of the global sustainable arrangement of rural areas with patrimonial and landscape-environmental values which singularity constitutes an estructurante element of the territory. There proposes a model of economic and social alternative development productivist and related to the emergency of a postmodern approach of flexible multifunctionality. The development of the law has given place to the delimiting of five parks, among them that of Albarracín.


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How to Cite

Rubio Terrado, P. (2015). Desarrollo local y patrimonio cultural. El parque cultural de Albarracín. Geographicalia, (53), 21–48.


