El trabajo en equipo y la formación del geógrafo. Problemas y retos
European Higher Education Area, Generic skills Teacliing methodology, teamworkAbstract
An important step in the process of designing new degrees for the European Higher Education Area is the identification of learning outcomes and competences and its translation into the curricula. This paper approaches teaching and learning of the generic competence teamwork in the framework of the new Spanish degree in Geography. After discussing a rationale for the development of teamwork skills within the Geography degree, the article provides a methodologícal model and teaching materials including statement of learning outcomes, developing of assesement methods and organisation of academic activities.The article finishes emphasising skills learning and inviting Geography teachers to undertake this task in their University courses.Downloads
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How to Cite
Escalona Orcao, A. I., & Loscertales Palomar, B. (2015). El trabajo en equipo y la formación del geógrafo. Problemas y retos. Geographicalia, (50), 45–58. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_geoph/geoph.2006501124
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