Diseño metodológico para la elaboración de una Estadística sobre innovación tecnológica de dimensión regional: Su aplicación en Andalucía


  • Rosa Jordà Borrell Departamento de Geografía. Universidad de Sevilla, María de Padilla s/n, Sevilla,
  • J. Carlos Posada Simeón Departamento de Geografía. Universidad de Sevilla, María de Padilla s/n, Sevilla
  • Ángel Luis Lucendo Monedero Departamento de Geografía. Universidad de Sevilla, María de Padilla s/n, Sevilla




inethodology, regional statistics, innovation, Andalusia


Studying innovation in a company has become a topic of fundanlental research in order to understand the influence of technological change in the development of regions. Indeed, the fact there are important deficits in statistical matters, rnethodological difficulties, scarcity of specific studies or even, a lack of knowledge of the actual amount of innovative companies at a regional level, leads LIS to reveal in our paper the need to provide a methodology to draft statistics on innovation in Andalusia. This way, we intend to develop methodological guidelines that will allow LIS to understand the structure 2nd effects of innovative processes implemented by Andalusian conipanies. At the same time, our intention is to set forth the development of statistics in this area, which could be cormparable at a regional, national and international level. Our final aim is to create different scenarios or methodological proposals depending on the cases to develop these statistics.


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How to Cite

Jordà Borrell, R., Posada Simeón, J. C., & Lucendo Monedero, Ángel L. (2016). Diseño metodológico para la elaboración de una Estadística sobre innovación tecnológica de dimensión regional: Su aplicación en Andalucía. Geographicalia, (41), 59–79. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_geoph/geoph.2002411367


