Estudio geomorfológico de las Sierras de Gudar (prov. Teruel)


  • María Victoria Lozano Tena Dpto. de Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio Colegio Universitario de Teruel



Iberian Cordillera, Geomorphology, erosion surfaces, karst, fluvial landforms, slopes.


Starting with photointerpretation techniques, captured in a geomorphological cartography, this study allows one to detect the fundamental morphological problems of this mountain ranges, situated in the East-Central region of the Iberian Cordillera. After a geological introduction, it describes the different morphoestructural units. The third part subjectively discusses the problems in the erosion surfaces, the karst, the river network, the slope form and the present morphogenesis. The study finishes with general conclusions about the geomorphological evolution of the Sierras de Gúdar.


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How to Cite

Lozano Tena, M. V. (2017). Estudio geomorfológico de las Sierras de Gudar (prov. Teruel). Geographicalia, (30), 19–30.