De la organización del Pirineo en el pasado a la ordenación de su territorio en el futuro
Land management, Pyrenees.Abstract
The Pyrenees space has been affected by two kind of changes along history: in its political point of view the big moments correspond to the pyrenees space relative e integration until the constitution of the modern states; its disintegration and life backwards since the strengthening of borders; and a third momento to the shops of the European single market and the present borders suppression. Throughout time the Pyrenees have also changed from being a primary productive space at the preindustrial Era to introducing secondary activities, and to being affected by all the general external processes of industrialisation urbanisation as late as the postindustriel Era when the Pyrenees territorial arrangement must be articulated following the new political, socioeconomical conditions so that the socioeconomic North-South and Centreends of the chain unbalances diminish, as well as the vertical unbalances inaccordance with the new borderless mountain vocation with a main turistic function.Downloads
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How to Cite
Bielza de Ory, V. (2017). De la organización del Pirineo en el pasado a la ordenación de su territorio en el futuro. Geographicalia, (30), 47–57.
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