Una propuesta metodológica para el estudio del paisaje integrado


  • Paloma Ibarra Benlloc Dpto. de Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio Universidad de Zaragoza




Integrated landscape, landscape units, characterisation, explanation and dynamic of the landscape.


A methodology to the study of the integrated landscape is shown, based on a geographical and systematic conception of the landscape. The study is thought at half scale (1/25.000 - 1/50.000) and is composed of four big stages: lª) The landscape elements analysis; 2ª) Delimitation and characterisation of the landscape units; 3ª) Explanatory landscape factors; 4ª) Diagnosis about the landscape dynamic.


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How to Cite

Ibarra Benlloc, P. (2017). Una propuesta metodológica para el estudio del paisaje integrado. Geographicalia, (30), 229–242. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_geoph/geoph.1993301820