Meaza Rodríguez, Guillermo; Lozano Valencia, Pedro José & Varela-Ona, Rakel. (2020). Biodiversidad, paisaje y gestión ambiental. Itinerarios biogeográficos por el País Vasco y territorios aledaños

Reseña bibliográfica




Book review


Book revision: "Itinerarios biogeográficos por el País Vasco y territorios aledaños"


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Author Biography

Emilio Laguna Lumbreras, CIEF - Generalitat Valenciana

Director of programs for the conservation of threatened wild flora in Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Authonomous Government), within the Center for Forest Research and Experimentation (CIEF) and the Wildlife and Natura 2000 Network Service. Author of more than 800 informative, technical and scientific publications, mainly in the areas of plant conservation, plant taxonomy and ethnobotany. Holder of the Silver Leaf Award Planta Europa 2004 for excellence in the conservation of European flora, and the César Gómez Campo award for his trajectory in the conservation of Spanish flora. He is especially known nationally and internationally for being the pioneer in the worldwide proposal and development of Plant Micro-reserves. He has been a founding member of the Spanish Society for Plant Conservation Biology (SEBICOP) and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Ibero-American Society of Biogeography (SIB).



How to Cite

Laguna Lumbreras, E. (2022). Meaza Rodríguez, Guillermo; Lozano Valencia, Pedro José & Varela-Ona, Rakel. (2020). Biodiversidad, paisaje y gestión ambiental. Itinerarios biogeográficos por el País Vasco y territorios aledaños: Reseña bibliográfica. Geographicalia, (74), 153–156.



Notas de investigación y reseñas