El territorio fluvial y sus dificultades de aplicación


  • Alfredo Ollero Ojeda Dpto. de Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio, Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Askoa Ibisate González de Matauco Dpto. de Geografía, Prehistoria y Arqueología, Universidad del País Vasco
  • Josu Elso Huarte Gestión Ambiental Viveros y Repoblaciones de Navarra




Fluvial Territory, fluvial hydromorphology, riparian corridor, floodplain, flood risks.


The fluvial space shaped by the river with its own dynamics and where its processes take form, has been occupied for long time. So in most ofthe rivers an environmental worsening and the increase of the risk arises from the conflict between the natural dynamics and the human use of the system. The solution comes from the implementation of a Fluvial Territory, a space where theriver’s dynamics could act, and change with it, so it can preserve or recover the hydromorphological dynamics, obtain a continuous riparian corridor that guarantees the ecological, bioclimatic and landscape function of the river system, fulfil the demands of the “ecological (Directive 2000/60/CE) good status”, reduce in a natural way the floods, resolve land use planning problems of flooding areas, and ameliorate and consolidate the fluvial landscape. The presentation will show some experiences of proposals in Cinca, Ebre, Gallego, Arga and Aragon rivers. That implementation has shown enormous difficulties: property problems, many land uses and interest of difficult compatibility, inherited situations, or the hardness of integrating this measure with the flow management and other environmental measures, which has led to the impossibility of the application of the Fluvial Territory in most of the cases. The Fluvial Territory concept is scientifically consolidated as a model of action and it is technically feasible. However, spanish political and administration are very reluctant and stillit is not valued as a way of resolving environmental and risk problems due to the difficulties of its application and management.


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How to Cite

Ollero Ojeda, A., Ibisate González de Matauco, A., & Elso Huarte, J. (2014). El territorio fluvial y sus dificultades de aplicación. Geographicalia, (56), 37–62. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_geoph/geoph.200956804


