Organismos, movimientos, campos, espacios, escenarios. En torno a los debates sobre la definición de las luchas por los derechos humanos en Argentina


  • Luciano  Alonso Universidad Nacional del Litoral




 From the period of transition to democracy in Argentina onwards, there have been different alternatives concerning the concepts to discuss in what consists of the collective actions in defense of human rights. Probably what is at stake in these debates is not only the way of naming and defining an object of study, but the very possibility of explaining with precise and exclusive words the open and indeterminate nature of certain socio-political practices. In this way, this paper reviews the theoretical assumptions in the construction of analytical categories, and concludes by advocating a certain conceptual pluralism, which facilitates the academic discourses to account for the material complexity of the past.


 Human Rights, analytical categories, descriptive concepts, conceptual pluralism


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Author Biography

Luciano  Alonso, Universidad Nacional del Litoral

Luciano Alonso has a PhD in History. He works in the Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, where he teaches Social History and other subjects in history and sociology. He participates in teams from the Centro de Estudios Sociales Interdisciplinarios del Litoral and the Instituto de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales del Litoral (CONICET-UNL). He is the Academic Director of the Doctorate in Social Studies at that university. His research in recent years is about mobilization for human rights, repressive Latin American processes and forms of cultural resistance to authoritarian governments.



How to Cite

Alonso, L. (2021). Organismos, movimientos, campos, espacios, escenarios. En torno a los debates sobre la definición de las luchas por los derechos humanos en Argentina. Historiografías, (22), 28–52.



Historia y Teoría