This is an outdated version published on 2022-01-05. Read the most recent version.

Guy Debord y los situacionistas. El auge de la vida cotidiana en los albores de Mayo de 1968.


  • Marina  Arranz Guilarte Universidad de Valladolid




 This article analyses the transference of creativity to everyday life in the second half of 20th century through the work and praxis of the situationist author Guy Debord and his contributions to fields such as cinema, urbanism, social theory, and political activism, in the context of the events of 1968. That year is regarded as a turning point in the concept of politics and the value system that prevails in western society. From then on, politics shall include everyday life, while the value system will not be given externally, but as a realm where everyone holds the responsibility of searching a meaning for life. Debord is a key author to understand both changes.

Key Words

 Guy Debord, situationists, everyday life, spectacle, situation


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Author Biography

Marina  Arranz Guilarte, Universidad de Valladolid

Marina Arranz Guilarte (Boimorto, 1986), is BA+MA in Philosophy and cultural manager (Master’s Degree in Performing Arts Management, Universidad Complutense de Madrid). She is currently finishing her PhD at Universidad de Valladolid with an investigation about the situationist Guy Debord and the impact of avant-garde in contemporary culture, while working as general manager at the contemporary circus company Gandini Juggling (


2021-12-31 — Updated on 2022-01-05


How to Cite

Arranz Guilarte, M. (2022). Guy Debord y los situacionistas. El auge de la vida cotidiana en los albores de Mayo de 1968 . Historiografías, (22), 75.89. (Original work published December 31, 2021)



Historia y Teoría