La representación del Holocausto como problema en la historiografía


  • Gilda Bevilacqua Universidad de Buenos Aires



In this paper, we will investigate the representation of the Holocaust as a theoretical problem in historiography. To present our approach to this issue, we will first develop one of its most significant expressions: the already classic work Probing the Limits of Representation: Nazism and the “Final Solution”, compiled by Saul Friedlander in 1992, and we will analyze the proposals of some of the leading authors who participated in it. Then, we will address what we have called the “problem of the adequacy between event and representation”, and we will establish our position on it. Finally, we will present some of the main conclusions that we derive in relation to the problems studied.


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Author Biography

Gilda Bevilacqua, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Gilda Bevilacqua, PhD in History and Professor of Secondary and Higher Education in History from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). She works as a postdoctoral scholarship researcher at the National Agency for the Promotion of Research, Technological Development and Innovation (Argentina), and as an Assistant Professor in History of the United States of America at the Department of History (FFyL-UBA). She is a member of Metahistorias, a research project on New Philosophies of History directed by Dr. Verónica Tozzi Thompson, and the research group on film and history, directed by Dr. Fabio Nigra. She has taught courses and seminars on history, film, and theory of history at colleges and universities, and has published papers on these topics in specialized books and journals.



How to Cite

Bevilacqua, G. (2022). La representación del Holocausto como problema en la historiografía. Historiografías, (23), 92–113.



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