Science, Scientists, and Truth: The Contributions of Hans-Georg Gadamer’s Hermeneutics and Max Weber’s Conceptualization to the History of Science


  • Felipe  Trujillo Bilbao Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile



This article attempts to establish a link between some conceptual assumptions behind Truth and Method, by Hans-Georg Gadamer, and Max Weber’s concerning the role of social science. In this sense, it is discussed some of the debates belonging to what can be called “theory of historical knowledge”. Thus, to arrive at the Gadamerian notion of a fusion of horizons, as a mechanism to confront the truth, the central elements of hermeneutics of understanding are addressed. At the same time, it is explained in what way Weber is coinciding with the epistemological concern suggested in Truth and Method, by questioning both the “subjective” perspectives and those that deny the scientist’s life experience in constructing questions with truth value. The article concludes with a brief reflection on how these ideas regarding historical knowledge can trespass the agenda of the history of science.


Science, truth, Gadamer, Weber, historical knowledge


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Author Biography

Felipe  Trujillo Bilbao, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Felipe Trujillo Bilbao is an anthropologist, holds a master and a PhD in History at the Catholic University of Chile. He has published research on the history of science and the Cold War, and on the recent history of Chilean engineering. He is currently fellow of the National Agency for Research and Development, ANID, and works at the Alberto Hurtado University, in Chile.



How to Cite

Trujillo Bilbao, F. (2022). Science, Scientists, and Truth: The Contributions of Hans-Georg Gadamer’s Hermeneutics and Max Weber’s Conceptualization to the History of Science. Historiografías, (24), 55–70.



Historia y Teoría