Al-Andalus in the Nineteenth-Century Forerunners of Andalusian Nationalism


  • David  Vélez Peña Universidad de Huelva



This article presents an examination of several discourses on the idea of al-Andalus from bibliographical works written by Antonio Machado y Núñez, Joaquín Guichot y Parody and Francisco María Tubino during the second half of the 19th century. Although they were closely related to ideologies such as Krausism, Darwinism and Federal Republicanism, they have been regarded as intellectual forerunners of a historical Andalusianism led by Blas Infante at the beginning of the 20th century, who showed a much greater unity in the political and cultural realm. Unlike this, the different mystifications and historical misrepresentations present in the literary productions of nineteenth-century Andalusianism would demonstrate that those authors never maintained a clear consensus on what the al-Andalus past was.



Andalusian nationalism, al-Andalus, historiography, XIXth century, Middle Ages


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Author Biography

David  Vélez Peña, Universidad de Huelva

David Vélez Peña has a degree in History and a master in Historical and Cultural Heritage from the University of Huelva (UHU) (Spain). One of his lines of research has focused upon the uses of the History of al-Andalus by Andalusianism from the 19th century to the present. He is also author of the book Al-Andalus y el andalucismo (Madrid: Ápeiron Ediciones, 2020) where he deals with this topic.



How to Cite

Vélez Peña, D. (2022). Al-Andalus in the Nineteenth-Century Forerunners of Andalusian Nationalism. Historiografías, (24), 124–143.



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