Looking Forward to the End. /Ou Topos/: An Approach to the Art of Samuel Beckett


  • Nela Bureu Ramos Universitat de Lleida




Utopia, Milton, Journey, Beckett, Stasis, /Ou topos/


The way to /ou topos/ is the way of most characters in the plays of Samuel Beckett. However, because they are trapped inside the categories of time and place, they can go no further than stasis, to a waiting in hopelessly hopeful stagnation. Their journey has been a relay race ever since Milton’s angels turned Adam and Eve into homeless victims of memory and desire. They are waiting for someone or something to take over —but what: responsibility? power? control? Is the journey Beckett’s poetic of the desire of humans to communicate? Or is it an existential blueprint for the unanchored self? The eschatological catechism of mortality? The aim of my essay is to analyse this literary journey through the eyes, mouth and guts of several of Beckett’s always signal characters.


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BECKETT, Samuel. 1958. Endgame. New York: Grove Press. Written in French in 1956. First published in French as Fin de partie in 1957. Paris: Les Editions de Minuit.

—. (1984) 1985. All That Fall. In Collected Shorter Plays. London: Faber & Faber. Written in 1956. First published in 1957. New York: Grove Press.

—. 1988. Waiting for Godot. London: Faber & Faber. Written in French in 1949. First published in French as En attendant Godot in 1952. Paris: Les Editions de Minuit.

BILLINGTON, Michael. 2006. “Rockaby/Ohio Impromptu”. The Guardian (Thursday, 23 March 2006).

BORGES, Jorge Luis. 1950. “La muralla y los libros”. In Jorge Luis Borges Borges. 1952. Otras inquisiciones. Buenos Aires: Sur: 9-12.

BRYDEN, Mary. 1988. Samuel Beckett and the Idea of God. London: Macmillan.

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GARCÍA LANDA, José Ángel. 1992. Samuel Beckett y la narración reflexiva. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.

JEWINSKI, Ed. 1990. “Beckett’s Company, Poststructuralism and Mimetalogique”. In Lance St. John Butler and Robin J.Davis. (eds.). Rethinking Beckett: A Collection of Critical Essays. London: Macmillan: 141-159.

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How to Cite

Bureu Ramos, N. (2006). Looking Forward to the End. /Ou Topos/: An Approach to the Art of Samuel Beckett. Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, 34, 31–40. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_misc/mj.200610107