The Role of Anchoring in Translation: Journalistic Texts


  • Eva Samaniego Fernández Universidad Nacional a Distancia (UNED)
  • Miguel Ángel Campos Pardillos Universidad de Alicante



anchoring, context, cotext, situation, translation and equivalence, journalistic texts


Contextual anchoring is an essential element in translation, as it has a direct impact not only on the amount of information that translators can extract from the message, but also on the range of translation strategies offered by the text or element in question. It is therefore an essential pragmatic element for cross-linguistic transfer. In this paper we will try to elucidate its scope and, above all, its relevance in the process of interlinguistic transfer, since the degree of specificity of the anchor, as well as the greater or lesser presence of contextual and cotextual elements which clarify the message, greatly influence the specification of the concept of equivalence made by the translator for each specific textual binomial.


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How to Cite

Eva Samaniego Fernández, & Miguel Ángel Campos Pardillos. (2003). The Role of Anchoring in Translation: Journalistic Texts. Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, 27, 187–208.



ARTICLES: Language and linguistics