CLIL Instruction and its Effects on the Development of Negotiation Strategies
CLIL, negotiation strategies, interaction, mainstream English learners, role-playAbstract
The current study proposes to analyze the positive effects that Content-and¬Language-Integrated-Learning (CLIL) instruction can have on the development of negotiation strategies, which are an essential part of interaction. Thus, in order to see whether CLIL instruction furthers any linguistic development in this respect, we are going to examine which negotiation moves (e.g. clarification requests, confirmation and comprehension checks, among others) are employed both by CLIL and mainstream (or non-CLIL students) while performing an extemporaneous role-play in pairs. The results indicate that CLIL students make use of a higher number of instances and of a wider range of negotiation moves (e.g. self-repairs, reformulations, and clarification requests) while interacting than their non- CLIL counterparts.
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