CLIL and the Development of Emotional Competence


  • Esther Nieto Moreno de Diezmas Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha


Palabras clave:

bilingüe, CLIL, aprendizaje, competencia emocional


La amplia difusión de los programas bilingües CLIL ("Content and Language Integrated Learning", o "Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras") va acompañada de un desarrollo paralelo de la investigación sobre las ventajas de esta plataforma. Inicialmente, el interés de la investigación radicaba en el estudio de la adquisición de lenguas extranjeras y la adquisición de contenidos de asignaturas no lingüísticas impartidas en lengua extranjera. Sin embargo, recientemente se están descubriendo nuevas áreas de potencial del programa CLIL. Una amplia gama de estudios demuestran que el CLIL implica nuevos beneficios: cognitivos, sociales, económicos, etc. El objetivo de este artículo es demostrar que los programas CLIL contribuyen al desarrollo de la competencia emocional a través de un estudio realizado con alumnos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria matriculados en un programa CLIL en la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla La Mancha.


Los datos de descargas todavía no están disponibles.


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Dalton-Puffer, C., T. Nikula & U. Smit. 2010. “Charting policies, premises and research on Content and Language Integrated Learning”. In Dalton-Puffer, C., T. Nikula, U. Smit (eds.) Language use and language learning in CLIL Classrooms. Amsterdam: John Benjamin Publishing: 1-22.

De Jabrun, P. 1997. “Academic achievement in late partial immersion French”. Babel, 32, 2: 20-3.

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General European and Spanish legislative documents

EU Council. Council Resolution of 31 March 1995 on improving and diversifying language learning and teaching within the education systems of the European Union. (Official Journal of the European Communities C207, 12-08-1995, p. 1-5)

EU Commission. White Paper on Education and Training. Teaching and Learning– Towards the learning Society. COM (95) 590, November 1995.

EU Parliament and the Council. Recommendation of the European Parliament and the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning (Official Journal of the European Union L394).

EU Commission. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) at School in Europe. 2006. Brussels: Eurydice European Unit.

Spanish Ministry of Education. Education Law, LOE (Act 2/2006 of 3 May)

Legislative documents of Castilla la Mancha

Regulation of European Sections

Regional Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. Order 07/02/2005 creating the European Sections programme in state schools for infant, primary and secondary education.

Regional Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. Order of 23/04/2007 modifying Order 07/02/2005 and expanding the number of European Sections in Castilla la Mancha.

Regional Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. Order 13/03/2008 on development of European Sections programme in Castilla la Mancha.

Regional Ministry of Education and Culture. Resolution 07/06/2011 on publication of the network of bilingual centres in Castilla la Mancha.

Regulation of diagnostic assessment of key competences

Regional Ministry of Education and Culture. Resolution 28/10/2010 on modification and updating of Resolution 16/02/2009 establishing the diagnostic assessment process 2009-2011 in educational centres of Castilla la Mancha.

Regional Ministry of Education and Culture. Resolution 16/02/2009 establishing the diagnostic assessment process 2009-2011 in educational centres of Castilla la Mancha.

Curriculum Decrees of Castilla la Mancha

Regional Ministry of Education and Culture. Decree 68/2007 of 29 May establishing the curriculum of Primary Education in Castilla la Mancha.

Regional Ministry of Education and Culture Decree 69/2007 of 29 May establishing the curriculum of Secondary Education in Castilla la Mancha.

Documents of the Office of Evaluation of Castilla la Mancha ( OdE)

OdE. Report of results. Diagnostic assessment of key competences. Phase 2011. Regional Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.

OdE. Boredom. Diagnostic assessment 2011. 2nd. ESO. Unit of evaluation 6: I am aware of my emotions. Regional Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.

Arreaza Beberide, F., N. Gómez-Pimpollo Morales & M. Pérez Pintado. (2011). Diagnostic assessment of key competences. Castilla La Mancha, 2009-2011. Theoretical framework. Office of Evaluation. Regional Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.

Arreaza Beberide, F. et al. (2010): Report on the programme of European Sections in Castilla la Mancha. Office of Evaluation. Regional Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.




Cómo citar

Esther Nieto Moreno de Diezmas. (2013). CLIL and the Development of Emotional Competence. Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, 45, 53–73.



Lengua y lingüística