Un protagoniste sort de l 'ombre


  • Corona Schmiele université de Caen Normandie




The first thing that startles us about “The Frog King; or, Iron Henry” is its title. It announces an aspect of the actual tale that is even more disconcerting: it is dual, in a way that is unique in Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Is it possible to perceive a coherence between the tale proper and its coda, which is a beautiful story in itself, but at first glance does not seem necessary to the narrative? The prince’s journey to his kingdom with his beloved is a classic motif, but here, the princess disappears while Iron Henry steps out of the shadows to take her place in the narrative. Not surprisingly, some interpretations simply omit the coda. Yet its presence stems from a conscious, deliberate choice - an intention - as is shown by study of the origins and development of the tale. This study attempts to determine what that intention was and whether it is possible to discern a secret coherence between the two parts.
Key words: Brothers Grimm, “Frog King”, literary genesis of the tale, authorial process, metapoetological reflection.


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Author Biography

Corona Schmiele, université de Caen Normandie

Maître de conférences en allemand à l’université de Caen Normandie.



How to Cite

Schmiele, C. (2018). Un protagoniste sort de l ’ombre. Ondina - Ondine, (1), 41–56. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_ondina/ond.201812140



El cuento tal como se presenta
Received 2017-09-21
Accepted 2018-04-06
Published 2018-05-20