Tribulation, black marvelous and retrogenesis: the epic in youth literature
Faithful to the Benjaminian thought, we will present some contemporary aspects of the «epic» production, mainly young adult, by highlighting the «pseudo-uplifting» aspects, then we will show how this legendarium refers to an erotetics of the mix between «chronos» and «kaïros» - between the long time of the linear narrative and the exceptionality of the lightning moment. As for the «wonderful black» (formula borrowed from Denis Labbé), it will apply more to the medfan series, great carriers of
breaths and epic events; it is in fact a preconceived notion well anchored in the French cultural field of not having, as we say, the «epic fiber» ... But by a tasty detour it is the most modern fantasy that will allow literature to return to the «Beautiful act».
Keywords : epic and youth, high fantasy, medievalism, cycles, quests.
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Accepted 2021-01-28
Published 2021-09-07