The Grimms' tales in France in the 21st century: when the tale becomes a picture-book


  • Christiane Connan-Pintado Universidad de Bordeaux



The Grimm's tales were first published in collections, then the most famous of them were published as single-tale  picture-book . This phenomenon increased  in the second half of the 20th century, at all levels of legitimacy. Here we take stock  of the  challenges of this trend since the beginning  of the 21st century, when artists illustrated the tales with new pictures that manage not to betray the
meaning of the source texts while renewing their reading in an original way.

Keywords: illustration,  Grimm, France,  artist, picturebook


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Author Biography

Christiane Connan-Pintado, Universidad de Bordeaux

MCF émérite Université de Bordeaux

Equipe d'accueil TELEM EA 4195 Université Bordeaux Montaigne



How to Cite

Connan-Pintado, C. (2022). The Grimms’ tales in France in the 21st century: when the tale becomes a picture-book. Ondina - Ondine, (7), 29–46.
Received 2021-11-09
Accepted 2022-02-07
Published 2022-02-23