La cibercandidatura política de la inteligencia artificial y su impacto en los sistemas democráticos de los Estados
algorithm, cybernetics, democracy, legal frameworkAbstract
This article analyses the legal project that points towards an eventual algorithmic technocracy in a future scenario where state decisions are influenced by artificial intelligence (AI), being necessary to highlight the importance of a rigorous control ranging from the self-evaluation of this technological revolution in its decision-making processes to a human audit of the operational programming used in the construction of its algorithms. The analysis focuses on assessing how this transformation might affect democratic state systems, ensuring that a balance is maintained between the efficiency of AI and democratic integrity, thus preserving the fundamental values of society. The methodology followed in the elaboration of this work is based on the application of the historical method (bibliographical), logical analysis (development of the topic), and comparative legal analysis (international), which allowed us to articulate the various approaches to the rights of humanity in the concept of «cybercandidates». As can be seen, there is still a mismatch between the autonomous functioning of AI and existing regulations. This reality is conditioning the eventual trust of citizens in a digital government.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Juan Carlos Almache-Barreiro, José J. Albert-Márquez
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