Subjective dimension in the analysis of human development


  • Rafael Domínguez-Martín Universidad de Cantabria
  • Borja López-Noval Universidad de Cantabria



happiness, subjective wellbeing, human development


In recent years subjective evaluations about own quality of life, resumed in levels of life satisfaction or happiness, are gaining importance as indicators of development. Some authors state that subjective well-being is a necessary and sufficient condition for human development. In this work the arguments of
these authors are explained and it is discussed the role subjective evaluations must play on development studies. The main conclusion is that although it is necessary to integrate subjective well-being into human
development studies we cannot identify subjective well-being and development.

Domínguez-Martín, R., López-Noval, B. (2012). La dimensión subjetiva en el estudio del desarrollo humano. Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 1 (1): 102-112


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How to Cite

Domínguez-Martín, R., & López-Noval, B. (2012). Subjective dimension in the analysis of human development. Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 1(1), 102–112.


