New York, Monterrey and Paris: three contradictory logics facing the challenges of development in the first decade of the century


  • Koldo Unceta-Satrústegui Instituto Hegoa y Departamento de Economía Aplicada I. UPV/EHU
  • María José Martínez-Herrero Instituto Hegoa y Departamento de Economía Aplicada I. UPV/EHU
  • Idoye Zabala-Erratzi Instituto Hegoa y Departamento de Economía Aplicada I. UPV/EHU



development cooperation, millennium development goals, financing for development, development effectiveness aid


This paper analyzes the contradictory logics raised along the first decade of xxi century from major international forums which have debated about Development Cooperation. For this purpose, we have studied the different approaches proposed since the adoption of the Millennium Declaration until the recent High Level Forum in Busan, differentiating among the questions related to the Goals, those relating to Finance, and these that have to do with the management and Aid Effectiveness. The paper concludes that these logics have lacked a shared diagnosis of some of the major problems. This has promoted inconsistent practices and a scarcely coherent approach, which makes it difficult a consistent progress in this field.

Unceta-Satrústegui, K., Martínez-Herrero, M.J., Zabala-Erratzi, I. (2012). Nueva York, Monterrey y París: tres lógicas contradictorias para enfrentar los retos del desarrollo en la primera década del siglo. Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 1 (2): 100-116


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How to Cite

Unceta-Satrústegui, K., Martínez-Herrero, M. J., & Zabala-Erratzi, I. (2012). New York, Monterrey and Paris: three contradictory logics facing the challenges of development in the first decade of the century. Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 1(2), 100–116.


