Moving towards a New Regional Financial Architecture? Problems and perspectives of monetary cooperation within the ALBA-TCP


  • Daniele Benzi Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Quito)
  • Tomás Guayasamín FLASCO
  • Mónica Vergara Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Quito)



financial crisis, NAFR, ALBA Bank, SUCRE


This paper addresses the experiences of the monetary and financial cooperation carried out within the framework of ALBA-TCP. The first part describes the context of global crisis and emerging multipolarity in which the debate on the reform of the International Financial Architecture (IFA) and regional monetary initiatives are inserted. The second part revises the Latin American initiative of a New Regional Financial Architecture. Later, we analyze the origins, processes and effects of mechanisms implemented within the ALBA-TCP, such as the ALBA Bank and the SUCRE. Finally, the essay concludes by presenting both potential and limitations of these experiences within a regional and global scenario marked by a high degree of uncertainty that, paradoxically so far, seems to delay and inhibit rather than consolidate the strengthening of a New Regional Financial Architecture.


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How to Cite

Benzi, D., Guayasamín, T., & Vergara, M. (2016). Moving towards a New Regional Financial Architecture? Problems and perspectives of monetary cooperation within the ALBA-TCP. Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 5(1), 32–61.



Special Issue